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Search results

  1. What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2005?

    we'll go 12-0 win the NC and TG will win the Heisman!!!!!GO BUCKS:osu:
  2. CBS Bowl Predictions

    Iowa is not going to the rose bowl i can tell you that right now....Ohio State will go(yes it might be part of homerism) iowa might make a bcs bowl but OSU will make the big one
  3. Pre-Season Practice - 2005

    thanks for the date and time i saw at the end of the LSU practice that they will be showing the Ohio state camp i went over to the TV but they turned it off so i couldnt see the time at all!!thanks alot tho...i know what ill be doing on wednesday:)
  4. You Win With People shirts..worth it?

    did the ginn jersey #7 have his name on the back if it did i have to have one of those!!!although ive never seen a college jersey with a name on the back besides the throwbacks like archie griffin and eddie george
  5. Tidewater tOSU Alumni Club Meeting

    hey everyone i just joined the site but never posted im currently located in Chesapeake and my dad got a letter from this Alumni Club is it pretty big or what??my dad was thinking about joining it but hes not an alumni!!:(