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Tidewater tOSU Alumni Club Meeting


Buckeye Beach Bum
A reminder to tOSU fans in the Tidewater area.

Watch Ohio State Football this 2005 season at the
Hilltop AJ Gators in VA Beach. The first game is September 3, 2005, and starts at 12:00 Noon!

If you are interested in becoming a participating member of the TIDEWATER OHIO STATE ALUMNI CLUB please contact Tom Latimer via email at [email protected]
Or via phone at (757) 508-4706 or Paul Phillips at
[email protected].


An organizational meeting to start the Tidewater Ohio State Alumni Club will be held at:

AJ GATORS (Old Ci Ci's Restaurant)

Where: Laskin Rd. and First Colonial Rd.

(Hilltop West Shopping Center)

Date: 13 August 2005

Time: 1:00 PM

Why have an organizational meeting? Well, it helps us get organized, determine what we want to accomplish as a club, and helps us get better acquainted and make new friends with other Ohio State Buckeyes in the Tidewater area.


I hope to see ya'll there!
I'll try to make it--that's a bit far away from me, coming from the peninsula. I may be interested in how the turnout is, because nothing is too far when it comes to watching the Buckeyes actually play.

Is there any chance the alumni club would be willing to place it in a more central location, like Norfolk? I've heard rumors about a new sports bar with like 80 big screens.
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This is the nearest I could find. I'll bring up your suggestion if you don't make it.

VA / Greater Richmond - Football TV Game Watch Location
Begins September 3, 2005
Ends November 19, 2005
7801 West Broad Street
Old Towne Shopping Center
East of Parham & Broad

JohnnyCockfight said:
I'll try to make it--that's a bit far away from me, coming from the peninsula. I may be interested in how the turnout is, because nothing is too far when it comes to watching the Buckeyes actually play.

Is there any chance the alumni club would be willing to place it in a more central location, like Norfolk? I've heard rumors about a new sports bar with like 80 big screens.
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We had 15 great Buckeye fans attend the organizational meeting today. It was a successful meeting except the owners of the sports bar won't take down the Florida Gators flag and replace it with a Block O flag. They may agree to hang a Block O flag on one of the walls. It was great to see Virginia license plates with tOSU logo on the plates.
We discussed where to watch the Buckeye games and we may decide to have a game watch on the peninsula side of Tidewater for a couple of games.
There is a website for the Tidewater group that you can pull-up to see any future events planned.

Go Bucks
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Thanks for the updates. I go to a lot of UVA home games, so a lot of my Buckeye game-viewing happens in Charlottesville, but I will certainly go to wherever you all decide to watch games this season when I'm in the area.

Is this a newly-formed alumni group? I know that someone in Hampton tried to start one up last year, but was either too lazy or just couldn't do it (and that sportsbar has already shut down).
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This is a part group who took part in Tidewater activities, however, people seemed to lose interest for one reason or another. It is an attempt to get the club started again with a core of people who are interested in watching games and/or participating in the club.
I'll keep you updated on the progress.

Go Bucks
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TedGinn4Heisman said:
hey everyone i just joined the site but never posted im currently located in Chesapeake and my dad got a letter from this Alumni Club is it pretty big or what??my dad was thinking about joining it but hes not an alumni!!:(

I don't think you need to be an alumnus to join the "alumni club." In any event, you can at least come to AJ Gators to watch the game among other Buckeye fans, and ask questions about what the alumni club is and the benefits of joining--that's what I plan on doing. And drink beer.

I'll probably be in Cville for the first game, but again I'll plan on meeting you all for all the games when I'm in the Tidewater area.

Keep the info coming ob94!
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