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Search results

  1. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    One of the biggest factors in this game is the Tressel vs. Brown factor. Tressel has proven his ability to win the big games(3-1 against Michigan and 3-1 in bowl games two being BCS and of course the Nat. Champ. We won't discuss his Div. 1-aa accomplishments) Brown has shown me nothing in recent...
  2. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Remember how El Roberson and Sproeles were supposed to give Bucks fits? Yeah I know this is two years later but with our present LB core I don't see Young running wild.Tressel has gained my confidence in preparing our guys for the big games. I mean this guy won four nat. champs. at the division...
  3. Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)

    satisfied Well today's performance was definitely respectable.Few mistakes,solid running game and spread offense. Love it! And of course the defense was relentless up until the last six minutes but Tressel is definitely geared towards getting the second string their reps in a real-game...