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Search results

  1. K Ryan Pretorius (official thread)

    Ryan Pretorius came to the States via Europe where he was playing Rugby professionally. He came to the States to play football and was told by Gary Anderson, former NFL kicker (and friend of Ryan's wife's family) that he needed to go to college. Ryan made a kicking video and sent it to OSU...
  2. Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

    Ryan came to the States to play football and ended up in Denver, CO, where he knew some people.
  3. Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

    I know Ryan Pretorius personally and I can tell you that he NEVER went to school in Colorado. He has only attend school in South Africa where he grew up. OSU is the only school in the U.S. that he has ever attended. He moved to Ohio from Denver, CO where he was residing at the time he was...
  4. '06 OH ATH Derrell Johnson (Iowa Signee)

    I am 100% sure Pretorius is on scholarship. He was notified by JT before the beginning of Fall 2005.
  5. '06 OH ATH Derrell Johnson (Iowa Signee)

    Pretorius is already on a full scholarship and has been since September 2005.
  6. '06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)

    Actually, Ryan Pretorius is on a full scholarship. He was told before the season started. And, Pettrey is not on scholarship until Josh leaves at the end of this season.