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Search results

  1. '12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

    I hope we can out recruit Miami... hahaha! oh me! :gobucks1:
  2. Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

    Anybody feel like ESPiN is the ex wife of Ohio State? ESPiN will say any rumor they can to take down Ohio State. Just the bitter ex wife who even sues when they don't have a leg to stand on. Out of all this Ohio State is still standing but has a black eye with the rest of the college football...
  3. 2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

    Sorry it's hard to proof read with the boss man right behind you. I hope everyone got the just of it. :osu:
  4. 2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

    You want to know what Bauserman would look like pop in the Illinois game from last year when Pryor went out and the game was close. Yikes it looked like Rex Grossman and just chucked it up. IMHO new coach, start Braxton at QB and live and die by him. Just make sure the run game is working and...
  5. Big Ten Network (BTN)

    Hoke is laughable! I love his comment about not rebuilding... cause aaah we're Michigan. Clown! :bonk::bonk::bonk: