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  1. 2012 Running Backs ( RBs ) Discussion

    I see us running the ball less than last year, and you're right in that I have no idea if that's what will end up happening. I look at our receiving corps and I see lots of potential, but no one stands out to me as being a true #1 guy who can consistently get open and move the chains. Also, I...
  2. S/C Coach Mickey Marotti (Official Thread)

    I don't know any insiders in the program, but I've met Lichter a few times and he struck me as that kind of guy. Nothing against him, but it seemed like he was completely focused on taking the star athletes and making them a little stronger or faster, not overall team improvement. I like...
  3. 2012 Running Backs ( RBs ) Discussion

    After watching Hyde this year, I'd describe him as serviceable. He's not the type of guy I want to be our lead back on a team where we're going to be running the ball a lot next year, but he should be in the rotation. I'm looking to see Ball and Dunn and see what we have with those two and maybe...
  4. I am not all in

    Until I read the emails, I was all in. I'm still a fan of Jim Tressel the football coach, but I'm pretty disillusioned with the man himself. He didn't do anything particularly wrong in this situation, and I wouldn't want to lump him in with the "cheaters" like Oregon, USC, etc. That being said...
  5. I stand with Jim Tressel - How Firm Thy Friendship

    I'm shocked over the national coverage. They're treating Tressel like that scumbag Lane Kiffin. Tress is one of the best coaches and highest character guys in the country. We all stand with him. Period
  6. Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

    While I think this may be unpopular, as much as I love Jim Tressel he needs to stop calling the plays if Bollman remains the OC. Tressel looked brilliant at the start of the Arkansas game, we were moving the ball and taking shots down the field. I think this gameplan was largely created by...
  7. Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

    Honestly, I'm extremely surprised that Ted Ginn Sr. let one of his kids go to USC with all the drama over there... Still, I wish Aundrey Walker the best at USC. I think he messed up, but I hope he made the right choice for him. Good Luck Aundrey
  8. Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

    I'm sorry, I just can't see Ted Ginn Sr. letting one of his kids commit to the world's biggest scumbag Lane Kiffin. I wish Aundrey the best with whatever he decides to do, but I doubt this comes to fruition.
  9. LB Curtis Grant (National Champion)

    I think ESPN preemptively knocked him down; he's rated the lowest there. IDK about Rivals, he's been moving up steadily even though OSU seems to be the choice. I would assume he wouldn't remain the #2 prospect though
  10. LB Curtis Grant (National Champion)

    Agreed... Just trying to mention OSU sends more players to the NFL, and has had particular success with LBs.
  11. LB Curtis Grant (National Champion)

    While this is very much the case, UVA's football program leaves much to be desired. For a player like Grant, I'm reasonably sure that his NFL aspirations trump his aspirations to be a lawyer, at least as an 18 year old. Also, while no UVA, OSU is no slouch academically (at least recently). I...
  12. Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

    Mallett can spin it so well over the top, Ohio State needs to get after him before he can gett those balls off. Osu D needs to make some plays, we've been so close on d. Offense needs one more. Come on Bucks!
  13. Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

    Mallett looks better than expected, yet still worse than advertised by scUm fans. Pryor looks good only on third down, and he still looks pretty awkward
  14. Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

    Yes... No Touchdown:gobucks1: Never Mind