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Search results

  1. SpartanFootball

    Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

    Detroit Radio Station Tearing Apart UM Mike Valenti is an MSU grad and he is letting them have it. Detroit's 97.1 The Ticket - Homepage To get a recap of the first hour of the show visit this site Listen to Valenti today at 4:15 PM FUCK MICHIGAN :D
  2. SpartanFootball

    Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

    Another one bites the dust. :msu::groove:
  3. SpartanFootball

    Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

    Damn, I was just trying to have a little fun. Sorry I posted a picture of a broom.
  4. SpartanFootball

    Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

    Every game counts guys. I expect the Tribe to bounce back, Tigers are lucky they played them at a perfect time this past week. Congrats on bringing up football in a baseball thread though. I thought MSU/OSU fans were supposed to get along with each other. We both hate scUM.
  5. SpartanFootball

    Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

    YouTube - Curtis Granderson Catch of the Year [HQ]
  6. SpartanFootball

    Weekly Upset Picks - 2008

  7. SpartanFootball

    Game Thread Ohio State 45, Michigan State 7 (Oct. 18)

    a 21 point blowout? Dantonio will have his boys ready to play. MSU has yet to lose a game by more than a td, under MD. I hope tOSU comes into this game, as cocky as you are.
  8. SpartanFootball

    Game Thread Ohio State 45, Michigan State 7 (Oct. 18)

    Good Luck Guys State fan here, wanted to wish you guys the best of luck tomorrow. Should be a great game between two friends (Dantonio and Tressel) and hopefully an instant classic. GO STATE