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Search results

  1. coachveer

    NCAA 2009

    Non gameplay features that deal with dynasty, online play and so on are nice, but what I am concerned with is the actual gameplay that takes place on the field. Of course I always want improved graphics but my concerns deal with player mechanics/movements and the execution of the schemes that...
  2. coachveer

    NCAA 2009

    I wonder if they will do something to fix the blocked field goals? The percentage of FG's that get blocked is completely unrealistic! I have actually watched replays of my FG's that get blocked in an attempt to assess the problem and I have noticed something VERY alarming with the blocking. The...
  3. coachveer

    2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

    The potential threat of having 3 athletes of that caliber in the backfield at the same time is scary!
  4. coachveer

    2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

    What f****** decision did powerlifter make exactly? I didn't go back and read through this entire topic nor am I going to. However, I'm fairly certain that powerlifter, like any unbiased OSU fan would, is merely expressing concern about the possibility of TB performing poorly.
  5. coachveer

    NCAA 2009

    Does OSU really have a 99 overall offense, defense and team ranking as shown in the screen shot that someone posted on the previous page of this thread? If so then that is ridiculous! No team should ever have a 99 ranking as that is the equivalent of saying that a team has zero flaws.
  6. coachveer

    2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

    I am new to this site and therefore have not read all the previous posts on this thread but I would like to chime in with my 2 cents... IMO TB has some major improvements to make for the QB situation not to be considered shaky! I want TB to perform on a very high level as much as anyone but...