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Search results

  1. See Your Seat!

    Arm and a leg This is true, I just got a notice from ticketmaster today about the ticket exchange. They are selling tickets on there for like $3000, granted they are good seats but still. The lucky ones got their tickets in the lottery's I may pay that much for a ticket if I didn't have to...
  2. Who's the Greatest Buckeye Football Player? (Vote for THREE)

    Joey Galloway I like Joey when he played for the Seahawks, don't care to much for the Buccs these days.
  3. See Your Seat!

    if you are going to the game and want to see what you seat will look like go to this link from the saints web site. It is a 3D view of the Dome that lets you see what your seat will look like. New Orleans Saints
  4. Who's the Greatest Buckeye "Old Timer"? (Please vote for THREE)

    Best Buckeye Who is the Best Football Player to ever wear a buckeye uniform? Pro or not and why?
  5. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    New Orleans for the game Hey Y'all if you are coming to New Orleans for the game and you have any questions this is the forum where you will get answers. Questions about bars, places to watch the game, things to do Crazy or not. I am here to help. Plus if you are from New Orleans or have...