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Who's the Greatest Buckeye "Old Timer"? (Please vote for THREE)

Who's the Greatest Buckeye "Old Timer" (Vote for 3)

  • Wes Fesler

    Votes: 7 8.8%
  • Sid Gillman

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Chic Harley

    Votes: 72 90.0%
  • Lew Hinchman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Les Horvath

    Votes: 48 60.0%
  • Vic Janowicz

    Votes: 57 71.3%
  • Gaylord Stinchcomb

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Merle Wendt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bill Willis

    Votes: 38 47.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Illuminatus Emeritus
Staff member
BP Recruiting Team
Three years ago, we did a series of polls in which the BP community selected the "Greatest Buckeye Ever" team. Since then, many more great players have passed through the Woody Hayes Athletic Center, so it's probably a good time to revisit the polls.

Every week, we will post a poll on "Who's the Greatest Buckeye" at each of the positions. The first poll, quarterback, will open today, and run for a month.

All players selected for the poll will be from the "modern era", which we have more-or-less arbitrarily determined to have begun with the hiring of Woody Hayes in 1951. However, there will be a special poll for the older Buckeye stars, where you will be allowed to choose amongst such greats as Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Chic Harley, etc.

Please vote on each poll, if you can. Also, please note that each poll will allow you to vote at least twice, as we would like to compile a first and second team. If you vote for "other", please let us know your selection(s) by setting forth the name(s) in a post.

Polls will be posted as follows:

1. Quarterback
2. Multi-purpose player
3. Tailback
4. Fullback
5. Wide Receiver
6. Tight End
7. Offensive Tackle
8. Offensive Guard
9. Offensive Center
10. Defensive Tackle
11. Defensive End
12. Outside Linebacker
13. Safety
14. Cornerback
15. Kicker
16. Punter
17. "Old Timer"
18. Head Coach

So, please vote now for your All-Time Greatest Buckeye "Old Timer"; please make THREE selections.

Thanks for your participation.
DaddyBigBucks;986940; said:
I nearly voted for Bill Willis, but after thinking about it chose Chic, Les, and Vic. There are a lot of other great Buckeyes there, and a lot more that could just as easily have been nominated.

I did vote for Willis, mostly because it was so cool to see him in the stadium on Saturday.
Upvote 0
I voted for Harley, Willis and Janowicz. My apologies to Heisman winner Les Horvath.

Note to Best Buckeye and cinci: There's no comma before "old-timer", so the thread is not addressed to either one of you. :tongue2:
Upvote 0
A few notes on the players listed above:

Back Chic Harley ('16, '17, '19), end Wes Fesler ('28-'30), back Lew Hinchman ('30-'32), and end Merle Wendt ('34-'36) were all three-time All-Americans at Ohio State.

Tackle Bill Willis was a two-time All-American ('43-'44), and is a member of Ohio High School, Ohio State, College Football, and Pro Football Halls of Fame.

End Sid Gillman was an All-American in 1932, and later became a Hall of Fame coach in the AFL and NFL.

Halfback Gaylord Stinchcomb was a two-time All American ('19-'20).

Quarterback-halfback Les Horvath was Ohio State's first Heisman winner (1944), and halfback-punter-kicker Vic Janowicz was OSU's second (1950).
Upvote 0
BB73;986943; said:
I voted for Harley, Willis and Janowicz. My apologies to Heisman winner Les Horvath.

Note to Best Buckeye and cinci: There's no comma before "old-timer", so the thread is not addressed to either one of you. :tongue2:

I voted the same as BB73 - geez, I must be getting senile!

It was a shame not to be able to vote for Wes Fesler.
Upvote 0
BB73;986943; said:
I voted for Harley, Willis and Janowicz. My apologies to Heisman winner Les Horvath.

Note to Best Buckeye and cinci: There's no comma before "old-timer", so the thread is not addressed to either one of you. :tongue2:
Ha ha butthead . :tongue2:
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