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Search results

  1. Gobucksdj

    Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

  2. Gobucksdj

    2008 TSUN News

    LOL!!! We all know what bad times are. (if you were alive during the Cooper years)
  3. Gobucksdj

    Most overused cliche in football?

    I hate how Musburger says, "nothin doing" after a poor running play.
  4. Gobucksdj

    2008 TSUN News

    Fellow Buckeye fans, do not bid on this loser! We dont want a Buckeye fan who cant stay behind his team through the bad times! :gobucks1:
  5. Gobucksdj

    RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

    You should go meet up with that talk show host when he gets off work, and kick him in the balls for me! I think Beanie will play! Hes a soldier, he played through the pain last year when Tressel told him to man up! This is all media BS come on guys! GO BUCKS!! Just remember a few of our last out...
  6. Gobucksdj

    Brutus tattoo help

    Leave it to a Gator to F that up. LOL
  7. Gobucksdj

    Brutus tattoo help

    Thanks guys! I tried google but it didnt bring up all of the good pics! Thanks again! I will post pics when its done!
  8. Gobucksdj

    Brutus tattoo help

    Im gonna get our buddy Brutus tattoed on my right calf. Im having trouble finding a good (cartoon) picture of him for the guy doing my tat. Anybody know where, or have a picture I could use? Thanks guys!
  9. Gobucksdj

    Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

    Well, Ive thrown my hat about 15 times tonight. Im done with that. Ive had 4 beers. Im done with that. I watched stupid penalties all night. Im done with that. Ive hugged my wife numerous times to her consoling words. Im done with that. I watched my Buckeyes loose another BCS NCG. Im done...
  10. Gobucksdj

    Mark May (Blew 5 guys at Pitt)

    Why does it matter where we start next year? We'll move right up after the imperfect preseason rankings show their face and all the posers in front of us fall! Dont forget we get to prove ourselves early next year against one of that fags (Mark May) top 5 teams. After we walk on them its to the...
  11. Gobucksdj

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hey folks!, New guy, been reading silently in the background for a few weeks and thought I would say hello. This is a wonderful forum for any Buckeye fan. Lots of great info and conversation! I was raised a Buckeye and will be till I die! Thanks for any welcome responses. Soooooo........ with...