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Search results

  1. JeffreyLebowski

    Sign Suggestions for GameDay!

    It's a little late but a great sign would have been a picture of Walter Sobchak with his great quote of "Forger about the fucking toe!"
  2. JeffreyLebowski

    NCAA 2009

    Is anyone else having problems with getting booted while playing online? I've played 5 games on live and twice the game has frozen with an error message telling me that my disc is unreadable. I have no idea why my game would be scratched though because its only been in the case and my 360. I...
  3. JeffreyLebowski

    DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

    Big Vern being interviewed: NFL Video Galleries
  4. JeffreyLebowski

    2007 Ohio State Rugby

    Hey thanks for the information, but I'm not sure where I'll be going to school in the spring. Last spring I played a few games with highstreet and although the core group of guys were cool and seemed to care, it ended up being a waste of time. I'm probably gonna end up playing with Scioto but I...
  5. JeffreyLebowski

    2007 Ohio State Rugby

    Anyone know when spring practice starts?
  6. JeffreyLebowski

    1460 Midday Show?

    I agree that Spielman and Ricordati had good on air chemistry but I always hated it when Spielman was absent from the show because it seemed like Ricordati would become arrogant. What athletic experience does the "Senior Hurler" have? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any experience as an athlete...
  7. JeffreyLebowski

    QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

    I agree that Troy was looking pretty good but we can't forget that it was the end of the game with backups in. He did show the ability to scramble and throw though. I agree with Madden, the Ravens have nothing to lose by starting him for the rest of the season.
  8. JeffreyLebowski

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    I've been reading this site for a few years now and finally decided to join. I haven't ever felt like posting until I read the story of Woody's classes. It's funny reading that article because my dad had Woody back in the day and mentioned some similar things. Not that anyone is gonna care, but...