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Search results

  1. WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

    His exact words were if I'm going to be a QB, I'm going to have to redshirt.
  2. LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

    I was once having a crises about this very thing. After you look closely, its not all that bad. We're in the same position with the limited schollies and I really think the staff is higher on out of state guys. Nix, Baldwin, Carraway, and Moody don't have offers. I honestly don't even want...
  3. LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

    I clicked your link to look at the carnage. I was actually surprised at the lack of idiocy on the audibles board. Other than the funky teeth retardation, it looked good to me.
  4. LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

    We only liked our chances a month ago when he told our coaches he was a heavy lean towards us. As far as us being "ticked", it's actually quite the opposite. Sure, we would've liked to have him but there's plenty of LB's to go around for both of us this year. I always thought thought we...
  5. '08 VA S Rotell Jenkins

    I'm 95% sure he doesn't have a written offer from us either. He sounds like a player that's trying to create interest by claiming big offers. Can't say I blame him, gotta do what you gotta do.
  6. '08 VA OL Kyle Long (Florida State baseball - Saddleback College - Oregon signee)

    Our recruiting guy from FOS talked to him yesterday and he said that Kyle told him that he was a heavy FSU baseball lean.
  7. Props to your site

    I didn't mean to make it seem like I had my own site. Fight on State is where I've been on for years.
  8. '08 VA OL Kyle Long (Florida State baseball - Saddleback College - Oregon signee)

    We didn't take a QB last year either. Pryor could start for three years here if he redshirted.
  9. Props to your site

    I come from behind enemy lines (PSU), but I love your site. The sub-forum where you have all your 2008 targets is great. It's so simple, I don't know why my forum doesn't do it. I'll definitely be suggesting it, giving credit to you guys for the idea. We have many of the same targets, so...