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Search results

  1. Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

    Still can't get over Carpenter........such a shame
  2. Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

    I was in a restaurant in Ann Arbor a few months ago when the girls volleyball teams came in. Half of them don't shave their arm pits and they all looked like they are on the same meds as Palmero and Canseco.
  3. Who gets the Jack Tatum Hit Award for The Game?

    A good laugh Here is a good laugh for everyone at the expense of Michigan. A definite must. If at work, turn volume down....it will play Hang on sloopy. http://www.scottkropko.com/michigan_still_sucks.htm
  4. Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

    I'm also in a wedding that night. Fortunately it's in Pittsburgh so I will still get to here the game on the radio. PSU has played well and is undefeated. They have had this game circled on their calender all year being a night game against the Bucks. They will come in pumped up. But...
  5. Best bars for watching Texas/OSU game

    Go to the Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe on Olentangy River Rd. Get their around midafternoon, get a table, and don;t move from it until the game is over. It will definitely be the most popular bar around. Or just go to Hineygate, Riverwatch, or Varsity Club all on Lane Ave. Lot's of booze...
  6. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Mark May should br taking my drive thru order soon too. What a site, Mark, Trev, and Clarett at the N. High St. McDonalds
  7. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Maybe Clarett can get Trev a job at the local McDonalds with him. Biggie Size anyone?