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Search results

  1. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    As the resident Penn State fan who occasionally posts in this thread, I'll say this: 1. I am not proud of Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier and Tim Curley. But I am generally (NOT universally) satisfied with how our BoT acted in November 2011 and July 2012. Joe Paterno deserved to be fired in...
  2. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Thanks much for the answer. I am a dork, I have an Excel sheet with every college football result from 1950 forward in it. But I was querying against the 3 season view as opposed to a 3 calendar year view. Definitely an impressive feat!
  3. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    What time period was that? I couldn't find any 3-year time period like that for OSU either.
  4. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

  5. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    As regards any single player, he has the most mixed legacy of any Penn Stater in recent history. I appreciated his efforts in 2013-2014. He was often good and occasionally great (most notably, 2013 vs. Wisconsin - after that game I would have bet good $ on him being a future NFL starter). But...
  6. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I wasn't trying to portray myself as a victim (if that's how anyone read it).
  7. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    409fold. His name here was 409fold. :-) I took some time off here because I felt it was getting WAY too tribal (occasionally reaching levels of hatred) in some of my discussions. I guess that's the way America is now --- we're more and more tribal and hateful, especially in our politics...
  8. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Got it. My bad for not being a "decent opposing fan." I think I've said ALL of 1,2,3,5 and 6 above, but next time I will use your exact wording. My bad for disagreeing on 4. Check. "Next time" will be somewhere else though. Maybe BWI. I'll go take your 1st and 2nd recommendations, take my...
  9. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Overall, that was a good and fair post. Not that I meant to clip the whole thing --- but the last sentence. "The two major Penn State forums." Is that a fair way to judge the Penn State community? A couple message boards, one run by a guy who is a proven Paterno-insider and likely paid by...
  10. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    That's not what I'm arguing (I think you actually know that). Penn State fans who remain "Paterno Loyalists" are a stain on the Penn State fanbase. I've said that for awhile, both here and elsewhere. My voicing of that opinion is part of the reason "michnittlion" is not very popular on BWI...
  11. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    FWIW, with Moeller, Tresell and Woody there were: (1) direct audio, we are 100% certain that was Moeller on audio tape, (2) direct e-mails, we are 100% certain e-mails came to/from [email protected] (or whatever his e-mail is) and, (3) direct video, we are 100% certain that was Woody on the...
  12. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Sure --- there are losers out there who have self-esteem problems, and lock onto something else (e.g., the success of a football team) to make themselves feel better. Are you arguing there are more losers with self-esteem problems in Pennsylvania vs. elsewhere? Also --- you said earlier "it...
  13. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    OK, let's run with that. Your words: (1) It has nothing to do with geography, (2) it has "everything to do" with a "messianic football coach" who "told his believers" "follow me and we'll win the right way." Michigan almost hired Joe Paterno in December 1968. If that happened, I assume (since...
  14. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I see. Though that begs the question --- what about those children's parents? Who influenced them? Pennsylvania and Ohio are very similar states culturally. Pennsylvania and Ohio are both states that have a lot of residents that like football. Penn State and Ohio State are both...
  15. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    That is true. State College and Columbus are rather different places. State College's "Ohio doppleganger" is Athens. Nice enough place, but definitely not Columbus. That said, most Penn State students and alums do/did not grow up in State College. They grow up in places like Pittsburgh...
  16. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I see what you did there. :-) I do agree with that statement, which is not my statement.
  17. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    In other words, you want me to say this: Penn State fans, in the aggregate, are FUNDAMENTALLY worse human beings than the rest of Americans. That's what this conversation boils down to. You believe that statement. I do not.
  18. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I did not "question their motivation." That's putting words in my mouth. Neither did I "question the participation percentage." There is nothing to question there: the participation percentage is a result of simple mathematics. Numerator = people who voted. Denominator = people eligible...
  19. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    So even if this is true --- what is your opinion as to what drives such a stark difference? I've visited every state in the country --- I've even been to 65% of the individual counties (one of the more bizarre things on my "bucket list" is to try to visit all 3,142 counties in the United...
  20. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    If you can't see the problems with using that survey (or any of its previous iterations, which likely had the same sampling deficiencies) as "fact", I honestly don't know what to say. Doran/Oldsey/Brown (none of whom are younger than 62 years old, which supports my point that Paterno Loyalists...