Actually, I think of Israel hitting the Iranians is something of a given...just not sure when it is going to happen. But I see the Russian deal as a sort of test to see how much they can mess with us during this administration, and I think that North Korea will be looking at how we respond to see how much they can get away with.
Maybe that is too much stinkin thinkin', but that seemed to me to be a sort of litmus test as to how much shit we are prepared to take - and there is nothing wrong with more diplomacy and consensus building as long as you are willing to break out the big stick when that fails. I felt that our foreign policy was too reliant on one straetgy to the detriment of the other the last 8 years. Now we may go the other way, dammit!
I want a pragmatist to be the POTUS, not a hawk or a dove.