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  • Do you remember the version of the logo we used one year with Christmas lights attached? Did you make it, and do you have it? I wanna go retro. :biggrin:
    haha, no worries. I ended up finding the thread. Was able to get Xbox Live working for MW2, but NCAA never seemed to work. Maybe next season.
    Well I'm used to using Microsoft Technologies for business use, but tools and hosting for Microsoft development are usually more expensive. I did a quick google. These 2 tutorials may give you a nice refresher, one on PHP and one on PHP and MySQL: PHP/MySQL Tutorial - Part 1 and PHP Tutorial - Part 1

    Well then the easiest way to set up the table is make each "Description | Name " a row in a single database table with 3 fields: ID, Description, and Row.

    This particular part of the tutorial kind of shows you how to make an html table from your database. Set up your page similarly, but your <TH>'s would be "Description" and "Name" and then as you loop through:

    while ($i < $num) {

    <td><? echo $description; ?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<? ehco $textboxName; ?>" text="<? echo $name; ?>" /></td>

    Please refer to the tutorial to finish that up. Put the row count of the result set from the table in a hidden input field so you can get that from the submit also when the submit is hit loop through all the textboxes and update the value in the database. When you want to clear the fields just use this SQL statement "Delete Name from tablePotluck" and that should clear all the names. alternately you could use "Update tablePotluck set Name = '' " I hope that made some sense. Go through the tutorials first then reread this. Hopefully it will make more sense.
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