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Zach Smith (Official Thread)

I can feel for him... he is convinced he was scape goated...
and payback is a bitch... I hope OSU doesn't get tainted...
but he's hostile that Herman would stoop so low
just because Smith was kicking his ass in Texas recruiting

The issues during an ugly divorce are par for the course...
We all know of divorces that were much uglier.. albeit not public...

Hell hath no fury like a dude scorned too
This is scorched earth between him and Herman...
Until he takes Herman down... he ain't stopping.. no reason to... nothing to lose
Herman should be worried
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Zach is getting lobbed nothing but softballs.

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I can feel for him... he is convinced he was scape goated...
and payback is a bitch... I hope OSU doesn't get tainted...
but he's hostile that Herman would stoop so low
just because Smith was kicking his ass in Texas recruiting

The issues during an ugly divorce are par for the course...
We all know of divorces that were much uglier.. albeit not public...

Hell hath no fury like a dude scorned too
This is scorched earth between him and Herman...
Until he takes Herman down... he ain't stopping.. no reason to... nothing to lose
Herman should be worried

Smith doesn't understand....as long as Herman is in the hunt for the B12 CCG, he's untouchable.
If he were in Charlie Strong territory, this would be an issue.
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