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Your Buckeye Game Record

I got 2 degrees from The OSU so was lucky enough to go to almost every home game from roughly 1977 to 1991 (my nieces went there also and were happy to supply me with tickets during my post-grad times). I remember lots of awesome Buckeye wins during that stretch, but somehow the losses seem to stick out the most :( The thunderstorm shortened loss to USC in 90? comes to mind, any of the L's vs underdog Wisky and Illinois, and all of the Cooper lead losses to SCUM stand out. I was lucky enough to fly back to see a win when PSU came in for its first Big Ten battle at the shoe so at least the last game I saw live was a memorable victory. :oh:
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Looks like 33-4 for me, including 22 straight wins currently, with two losses apiece to Wisconsin and Illinois. I may not have been at all of the '99 games.....I was working alot and that whole season is kind of a haze...thank god for that. :(

Also, I think I may have made it in for a game or two before the '91 Wazzou game, but I don't remember clearly.

2006 vs. IU 44-3
2006 vs. BG 35-7
2006 vs. PSU 28-6
2006 vs. Cincinnati 37-7
2006 vs. NIU 35-12
2005 vs. MSU 35-24
2005 vs. Illinois 40-2
2003 vs. Purdue 16-13
2003 vs. MSU 33-23
2003 vs. Iowa 19-10
2003 vs. NW 20-0
2003 vs. BG 24-17
2003 vs. NCSU 44-38
2003 vs. SDSU 16-13
2002 vs. Michigan 14-9
2002 vs. Minnesota 34-3
2002 vs. PSU 13-7
2002 vs. SJSU 50-7
2002 vs. Indiana 45-17
2002 vs. WSU 25-7
2002 vs. KSU 51-17
2002 vs. TTU 45-21
2001 vs. Illinois 22-34
2001 vs. Purdue 35-9
2001 vs. SDSU 27-9
2001 vs. Wisconsin 17-20
2001 vs. NW 38-20
2001 vs. Akron 28-14
1999 vs. Illinois 20-46
1999 vs. Iowa 41-11
1999 vs. Minnesota 20-17
1999 vs. Purdue 25-22
1999 vs. Wisconsin 17-42
1999 vs. Cincinnati 34-20
1999 vs. Ohio 40-16
1997 vs. Wyoming 24-10
1991 vs. WSU 33-19

Including games away from the Shoe...34-5:
2004 @ NW 27-33....what an abomination.
2002 vs. Miami 31-24.....what a night!
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Been going to OSU games since the mid-80s, probably 50-some home games in all, including every night win except the first one (Iowa?). Being there for the night win over Washington in 1993 made me a Buckeye for life.

Don't know the home record, but I know for certain my road record is 0-3: 01/01/01 at the Outback Bowl for Cooper's last game, 2003 at scUM, and 2004 at NW. That should move to 1-3 when I go back to NW next month.

The most painful home loss was without a doubt 1998 MSU, though having my last student game as a loss to scUM (2000) will always haunt me...
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Been to so many games that I have no clue. The losses are easier to remember.

Road losses-

'97 Sugar Bowl- FSU
'03 @ scUM
'04 @ Iowa

Home losses-

'05 Texas
'96 scUM.
'00 scUM
'00 Minnesota
'98 MSU :sad:
'01 Illinois
'94 Illinois
'99 Illinois
'99 Wisconsin
'01 Wisconsin
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My 4 years there we won most of them, including 2 over scUM. I prefer to dwell on my alumni tix since then:


After consulting the link to their all-time games I have determined that I am 36-4 at home and 1-0 (Cincinnati at PBS) on the road. Even more curious, OSU lost their first 3 with me in attendence (1982). So, since the first 3 games, they are 36-1 with me in attendence.
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W OSU 70 - Rice 7

W OSU 44 - Bowling Green 13

W OSU 42 - UCLA 20
W OSU 40 - Ohio 16
W OSU 34 - UC 20
L OSU 17 - Wisconsin 42
W OSU 25 - Purdue 22
W OSU 41 - Iowa 11
L OSU 20 - Illinois 46

W OSU 43 - Fresno St. 10
W OSU 27 - Miami (OH) 16
W OSU 45 - Penn St. 6
L OSU 17 - Minnesota 29
W OSU 27 - M*ch*g*n St. 13
L OSU 26 - M*ch*g*n 38

W OSU 45 - Texas Tech 21
W OSU 51 - Kent St. 17
W OSU 25 - Washington St. 7
W OSU 23 - UC 19 at Cincinnati, OH
W OSU 50 - San Jose St. 7
W OSU 23 - Illinois 16 at Champaign, IL


W OSU 20 - Northwestern 0


W OSU 34 - Miami (OH) 14
W OSU 27 - San Diego St. 6

Overall Record: 20-4
Overall Win Pct.: .833
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I am either insane/stupid/crazy.

First of all, if you have tickets to ANY Buckeyes game and don't/can't go, let me say this. First, don't ever give/share/rent/work drug deal to any idiot from the team up north, EVER. Secondly, I have been a loyal Buckeyes fan since 1977 (birth) and have never been able to go to a game. I am currently stationed in Germany right now with the Army and I would damn near sell my soul to get my hands on a ticket. Yes, I would actually fly over just for the weekend to see my boys play. Here are some stats I thought some of you might find interesting while I was in Iraq this past year (2005)...

Number of college shirts/jerseys seen worn:
Rutgers-1 (WTF?)
Penn State-8
Ohio State-77

What can I say? WORLD WIDE FANS regardless of the dump we find ourselves in! My OSU flag flew EVERY saturday during the season over our camp. I even had one flying on my aircraft. I had some LT come up to me and told me I had to take it down, and you wanna know why? "Because it's not fair that you have an aircraft to fly your flag from, and it bothers people that they can't fly theirs." My CPT basically told this dillhole that he can get bent and that it's staying. My aircraft, my flag BIOTCH!

Not to mention selling my soul, "Uncle Jim" sent me a package with autographs and a HANDWRITTEN note to me thanking me for service and such. I love this guy more than my own parents. I own 27 different OSU t-shirts, jerseys and jackets as well as 22 different hats. It is such an obsession with me. Yes I had to get a minivan (hey, I got 3 little boys) and I custom ordered it in Scarlet. My wife stopped arguing with me about the color after about 2 minutes 'cause she knew she wouldn't win. Am I crazy? Probably. Obsessed? Definately. So the next time you think someone couldn't be worse than your friends about the Buckeyes, there is. Don't forget to send me any tickets you don't want...:biggrin:

One more thing... I know Jim is a classy guy and all, but I just wish he would run the score up on them, even if it's 48-3 at halftime. Just keep scoring, and scoring, and scoring... GOD I HATE THOSE GUYS IN BLUE.
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^ i have a bunch of pictures i recieved via email, with troops in iraq holding up tOSU flag infront of a palace in Baghdad (sp?) and ones where they had little iraqi boys holding up o-h-i-o and the soldiers were doing the thumbs up.. very cool
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I had to go find my ticket vault, but the numbers show 18-4 overall, 15-2 at home. my first three were easy victories since my uncle would only take me to games my aunt didn't want to go to (i.e. weak teams). The losses were 2 in '04 and 2 last year. I'm still salty over that Wisconsin game.

10/27/1990Minnesota W
11/7/1992Minnesota W
11/15/1997Illinois W
9/11/1999UCLA W
11/10/2001Purdue W
11/2/2002Minnesota W
11/16/2002Illinois W
9/14/2002Washington State W
9/7/2002Kent State W
9/20/2003BGSU W
9/13/2003NC State W
10/9/2004Wisconsin L
10/23/2004Indiana W
9/18/2004@NC State W
10/13/2004@Purdue L
11/20/2004Michigan W
9/10/2005Texas L
9/3/2005Miami OH W
10/8/2005@Penn State L
1/3/2006ND (bowl) W
10/7/2006BGSU W

18 Wins 4 Losses
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24-3 overall, and 21-2 at home.

L @ Pitt 9/17/88 (42-10)
W @ Northwestern (actually at the old Cleveland Stadium) 10/19/91 (34-3)
W vs. Rice 9/7/96 (70-7)
W vs. Washington 8/30/03 (28-9)
W vs. NC St. 9/13/03 (44-38)
W vs. BGSU 9/20/03 (24-17)
W vs. Northwestern 9/27/03 (20-0)
W vs. Iowa 10/18/03 (19-10)
W vs. Purdue 11/15/03 (16-13)
W vs. Marshall 9/11/04 (24-21)
L vs. Wisconsin 10/9/04 (24-13)
W vs. Penn St. 10/30/04 (21-10)
W vs. scUM 11/20/04 (37-21) :banger:
W vs. Miami (OH) 9/3/05 (34-14)
L vs. Texas 9/10/05 (25-22) :sad2:
W vs. Iowa 9/24/05 (31-6)
W vs. Michigan St. 10/15/05 (35-24)
W vs. Illinois 11/5/05 (40-2)
W vs. Northwestern 11/12/05 (48-7)
W @ scUM 11/19/05 (25-21) :osu4:
W vs. Cincinnati 9/16/06 (37-7)
W vs. Penn St. 9/23/06 (28-6)
W vs. BGSU 10/7/06 (35-7)
W @ Michigan St. 10/14/06 (38-7)
W vs. Indiana 10/21/06 (44-3)
W vs. Minnesota 10/28/06 (44-0)
W vs. scUM 11/18/06 (42-39) :groove:
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