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You Win With People shirts..worth it?


How many of you guys with tickets to the games bought/are going to buy the "You Win With People" shirt? I'll buy it if it seems like the entire stadium will be filled with them, otherwise i'll save my money to buy me a tasty Buckeye Dog, mmmm I can taste 'em now!
I have one, but I will be wearing my #47 jersey on game day. As long as you have something red you can't go wrong, I would save up for the hot dog I guess. Even though having a shirt with the schedule on the back would be nice if the season lives up to expectations.
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illinoisbuckeye said:
are buckeye merchants going to raise prices on buckeye merchandise come game time? have they done it before big games like scUM?
I'm really not sure, considering Buckeye gear is pretty much ALWAYS expensive (on campus, at least). I stopped in the Buckeye store located in the Schott and a Nike Buckeye jersey was going for $50, while a Ted Ginn #7 jersey was going for$79, I believe.

Come game day though, if you just walk down High Street you'll find plenty of people selling shirts and other stuff and you'll get more selection (like F*** Michigan, and Ann Arbor is a wh*re, you know, the classics).
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smurd83 said:
I'm really not sure, considering Buckeye gear is pretty much ALWAYS expensive (on campus, at least). I stopped in the Buckeye store located in the Schott and a Nike Buckeye jersey was going for $50, while a Ted Ginn #7 jersey was going for$79, I believe.

Come game day though, if you just walk down High Street you'll find plenty of people selling shirts and other stuff and you'll get more selection (like F*** Michigan, and Ann Arbor is a wh*re, you know, the classics).
did the ginn jersey #7 have his name on the back if it did i have to have one of those!!!although ive never seen a college jersey with a name on the back besides the throwbacks like archie griffin and eddie george
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TedGinn4Heisman said:
did the ginn jersey #7 have his name on the back if it did i have to have one of those!!!although ive never seen a college jersey with a name on the back besides the throwbacks like archie griffin and eddie george
i thought you couldnt have the names on the back of the jersey? maybe i am wrong but i thought like video games, you cant use college players names on the jersey due to NCAA rules
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Eastbay. But their mag does say they will not reproduce any current players on the roster. I guess they didnt look it up because the names matched.

You could get a #7 jersey and get IN put on it and then find someone who will put the GN on it for you.
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