CBS Radio is changing formats on all FREE FM stations around the country. The ratings suck and no one is listening. O & A have already been dropped from 4 markets. JV and Elvis (10am to 2pm show) have already been fired. This gives CBS an excuse to fire them next month.
92.3 FREE FM in New York and 94.1 FREE FM in Philadelphia will change formats on July 1, 2007 to all music stations. No talk, all music to try to bring up ratings and compete with Sirius and XM .
More people in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia have Sirius and XM than any other part of the country. Sirius has almost 1 million of its 7 million subscribers in NY, NJ, and PA alone.
Now for the XM / Sirius side. Congress will approve the XM / Sirius merger in mid-June. Sirius's lineup is stronger than XM and the Sirius stations will stay. 75 commicerial free music stations , Howard Stern, Bubba the Love Sponge, Jay Thomas, Dee Snider, Andy Dick, Scott Ferall, Martha Stewart, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, NASCAR, ect. MLB will be on Sirius by the end of the year.
Sirius will most likly drop XM's Opie & Anthony from it's lineup because of Howard Stern and his power.
The wheels have been set in motion for this all to happend. Don't believe all the BS you hear. You'll see by the end of the summer.
- A Radio Insider