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I appreciate Elon's dedication to finding a way to reuse a domain name he bought 24 years ago.

Just kidding. I hope Elon gets cancer in his dick, dies in a spontaneous Tesla battery explosion, and when they try to launch his ashes into space, I hope the rocket explodes on ascent too. Fuck him and all his fanboys.
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I appreciate Elon's dedication to finding a way to reuse a domain name he bought 24 years ago.

Just kidding. I hope Elon gets cancer in his dick, dies in a spontaneous Tesla battery explosion, and when they try to launch his ashes into space, I hope the rocket explodes on ascent too. Fuck him and all his fanboys.
It’s pretty silly re-branding a brand that was as well established as Twitter. “Tweet” has become a verb in what is considered the proper mainstream vernacular just like “Googling”. Even Facebook/Meta hadn’t reached such a status.

Talk about trying to re-invent the wheel. And to think, some people think I’m an ass hole just because I add some tomato and quinoa to gumbo. This is way worse than that!!!
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I appreciate Elon's dedication to finding a way to reuse a domain name he bought 24 years ago.

Just kidding. I hope Elon gets cancer in his dick, dies in a spontaneous Tesla battery explosion, and when they try to launch his ashes into space, I hope the rocket explodes on ascent too. Fuck him and all his fanboys.
I hope Elon cures cancer, lives on Earth as long as he wants, and spends his retirement on Mars, where he enjoys eternal life.
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