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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

y0yoyoin;2344814; said:
If TP himself was the person who won this bid then thats one thing and actually OK, but what kind of idiot spends 18 G's on that? They should neuter the person on the spot

Nobody spent that money, the guy that won the auction did it just to fuck with Rife. Isnt gonna pay for it said on his twitter basically that he just wanted to fuck with Rife. The rest of the auctions were taken down after the fact.
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Terrelle Pryor Talks Mini-Camp

QB Terrelle Pryor answered questions from the media after the Raiders first mandatory mini-camp practice.

Q: How did you think today went?

Pryor: I did some things pretty well actually, in terms of protections and stuff like that. A lot of tipped balls today from the defense because there aren?t a lot of pads so I mean it?s very nerve racking and you get tired of that. You can?t really get the pads down of the O-lineman because we don?t have pads on, and you don?t know if it?s going to be a run, and they?re not rushing so they are just standing straight up and down and can block your ball. It just kind of makes you mad, but at the end of the day as long as you are making the right precision like Coach DeFilippo said today and Coach Olson, as long as you are making the right decisions. The defense is going to block the ball down, but as long as the ball is going to the right spot that?s good. I thought in terms of movement and getting in and out of the huddle for all of us I thought we did a great job. With protection calls, I thought getting the guys going. But blocked ball, it was a factor today.

Q: Terrelle, last time we played a real game you were the starter, yet people aren?t talking to you as a starter right now; where do you think you fit in this year?

Pryor: Oh I think it?s a long time before, let?s go even regular season, I think September or August maybe, late August. It?s a long before even the first preseason game so I just think that talk its nonsense and it doesn?t matter right now as long as we are helping each other, like I said before. And we are getting better and building team chemistry and I think that?s the main thing. We are going to need each other more right now than knowing who the starting quarterback is going to be or who is getting talked about. I think that?s the thing that is not very important right now to me that is.

Q: When you first came here you had one offense, then you came last year and you had a second offense, and now this year there is another offense. How much of a challenge is that part of it?

Pryor: I think it?s very challenging, but like Coach says, ?it?s all about how much you study it,? and I study a good bit. I mean about two hours a night after going home and spending another two hours or hour and a half or whatever the case may be and get done what I need to get done. I think the main thing for us is just getting the protection calls down and just understanding the protections so we can actually sit back and be stress free in the pocket and I think that?s the main thing. So, like I said, today we all did a great job. I know, myself, I did a great job in getting protection calls down and I think that?s a very big thing for me today that I wanted to get positive and I think I took a step forward today.

Q: When you hired the quarterback coaches this off-season you were saying that what you really wanted to work on was your footwork. You said that that was the key to you throwing good balls. It seemed early on in drills your footwork looked like you had been focusing on it quite a lot. Do you feel that out there?

Pryor: Another thing is, I?m trying to get my elbow up a little more, Coach Olson suggested I do that a little bit better. But even early on I felt good and accurate throwing the ball. I felt good. I missed two throws today. I don?t know if it was miscommunication, but I missed two throws today I thought I should have made, but like you said, it?s definitely in the footwork and in the placement of the ball. It?s so many dynamics of a quarterback to have a perfect ball every time, it?s kind of freaky. Just to see the dynamics of all the things that work together. So I pay close attention to that when there?s not defense there and I try to just keep on working it as best as I can.

Q: If things don?t go as well as you want out here on the practice field this time of year, do you view it as frustrating to you or is it we need to get there by camp?

Pryor: I think the main thing right now is chemistry, and I think just like Matt [Flynn], I think it was Matt today, he had two balls, it was kind of like a deal where someone had to make a play. And that?s the main thing right now, we want to be able to get guys to get the ball out and let guys make plays. That?s why we have got guys like Marcel [Reece] at fullback who made a catch over a safety. I mean that?s mismatches and I think that?s the main thing is just building the team chemistry and just building the trust between quarterback and receiver and also between the linemen and the quarterback that the quarterback is going to make the right choice in the protection calls and we are all on the same page with that. And, like I said before, I know Matt had about two balls tipped today, I had four balls tipped today, so I think that main thing is we can?t really pay attention to that because we are not going to get the guys down without pads on, that?s just not going to happen. I just think we have to get better with our tempo and just chemistry with the receivers and the linemen and I think just going into to camp it can only go forward.


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Chip Kelly case recalls NFL?s suspension of Terrelle Pryor
Posted by Michael David Smith on June 26, 2013

Chip Kelly likely won?t face any discipline of any kind for breaking NCAA recruiting rules at Oregon. The NCAA?s 18-month punishment is meaningless after Kelly signed a multi-year contract to coach the Eagles, and the NFL probably won?t wade into the matter, just as it didn?t wade into the matter when Seahawks coach Pete Carroll was found to have violated recruiting rules at USC.

So far, the NFL hasn?t had anything to say about the news today that Kelly broke NCAA rules. Asked for a reaction to Kelly?s NCAA discipline, the league office told PFT only, ?We are not familiar yet with the details and prefer not to comment.?

But the NFL has already set a bad precedent when it comes to discipline for violating NCAA rules, and it?s now fair to criticize the league if it doesn?t discipline Kelly for violating NCAA rules. That bad precedent was set when the NFL suspended quarterback Terrelle Pryor for the first five games of his NFL career, a suspension that was the same as the suspension that he would have served if he had remained at Ohio State for his senior year. The NFL?s contention was that Pryor deserved punishment because he manipulated the league?s eligibility rules, but the reality is that the NFL allowed Pryor to enter the supplemental draft. Once the league ruled that he was eligible to play, suspending him for something he had done previously never made a lot of sense: Why is it the NFL?s place to enforce a suspension that the NCAA handed down?

At the time of the Pryor suspension, the NFL probably thought it was a unique situation that wouldn?t repeat itself. But it turned out that shortly after the league suspended Pryor, the Colts hired his old coach, Jim Tressel, to be their replay assistant. Tressel had been fired at Ohio State in connection with the same NCAA rules violations that got Pryor suspended, so the Colts? decision to bring Tressel on board was heavily questioned ? why is Tressel allowed to coach right away if Pryor isn?t allowed to play right away? After those questions surfaced, Tressel was quickly handed a six-game suspension of his own. The Tressel suspension was made by the Colts, although NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that if the Colts hadn?t suspended Tressel, he would have.

Ultimately, the NFL set a bad precedent when it suspended Pryor for something he had done when he wasn?t even an NFL player yet, then compounded that bad precedent after it was caught off-guard when the Colts hired Tressel. The NFL almost certainly won?t compound that mistake again and suspend Kelly for his NCAA transgressions. And that will serve as a reminder that the league erred when it suspended Pryor.

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Q and A with Terrelle Pryor

Posted Jul 26, 2013


Raiders QB Terrelle Pryor took a few moments to field questions from reporters after the first practice of training camp.

Q: How are things going so far?

Terrelle Pryor: I feel great. I missed about three or four balls today. The biggest thing to me, I know I missed one bad, which was all about my feet. The biggest thing today, when I did miss was if the ball got tipped was that I was going to the right spot and I didn?t turn the ball over. It?s a process, but the main thing to me was when I messed up a pass today, and I?m very happy with myself, I?m glad that I did mess up passes because I could get that strength to move on to the next play. It?s something that I?ve been working on a good bit by myself and with my quarterback?s trainer back in Southern California. I?m glad, I?m glad I missed passes today, because I can see my reaction and it was a good reaction to me to get to the next play.

Q: How is your confidence coming into camp? Do you feel like you're getting a fair shot? And do you feel like whatever happens it is going to be on you?

Pryor: I think that at then end of the day that?s what it is. Who can be a leader, who can lead the team up and down the field, and that?s the main thing. We are talking who can score points and that?s up to me, Matt [Flynn], Tyler [Wilson], and [Matt] McGloin ? who can be the best. I believe if you show us what you got and who can lead the team, I believe that is what the choice is. You can see it nice and clear. That?s on us.

Q: Last year you spoke so glowingly of Carson [Palmer], and his influence on you and what you were learning from him. Is it going to be hard for you not to have him around? Or do you feel like you are ready to take the next step without that kind of mentor?

Pryor: Absolutely, because I?m a sponge. I love taking in info, and I love to learn. If it?s not about getting better then I?m not really interested. Speaking about that is just every single day when I wake up I?m on top of my game and I?m trying to get better. Every pass may not be perfect but my thing is just getting to the next play and that?s another thing that he would always preach to me and that stays with me as well.

Q: This is a team, clearly in transition and last year was a disappointment and they hope to improve next year. Do you feel like you deserve a shot in this process? I mean you?re young, you?re talented?

Pryor: I believe they?re giving me a shot right now, just by letting me on the team. I?m very appreciative of that. I don?t want to take for granted that they are out here letting me take the second team reps. No one has to give Matt [Flynn] the first team reps, no one has to give me the second team reps. It?s all what you earn and at the end of the day after we talk after the preseason games whether I have it or not, I?m going to give you the honest truth. Hey, I got beat out or hey I wasn?t accurate enough. I?m going to be honest and real. It?s all about being a leader and being consistent with that and consistent on the field.

Q: When a team acquires a quarterback and it?s paying a certain salary, there is an assumption that maybe your competition may not be wide open. Money might dictate who is going to get the best shot at the starting job.

Pryor: That?s a good one to sponge me in on but there?s a lot of scenarios that go down. You know last year there are some teams where some quarterbacks that are getting paid and some young guys took over. It happens. At the end of the day, it?s that best man wins. If I deserve it at the end, then I deserve it. If Matt [Flynn] deserves it, then he deserves it. Either way I?m going to be here and make the team better every single day because this is a we thing. Not I, not him, not me, or anything. It?s a ?we? thing. Everything that we are doing is for the team and like you said we didn?t have a great year last year so that?s our main focus. Everyone should be saying, ?We, we, we.? What did we do wrong here? What do we got to do to get better? I think that?s the main thing.



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIhjJ7OuDvE"]Terelle Pryor Talks Mini-Camp - YouTube[/ame]
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NFL camp: Oakland Raiders' Terrelle Pryor shows improved passing skills
By Jerry McDonald
[email protected]
Posted: 07/28/2013


Oakland Raiders quarterback Terrelle Pryor (6) passes during practice at an NFL football training camp in Alameda, Calif., Tuesday, June 11, 2013. (Jeff Chiu/Associated Press)

NAPA -- Terrelle Pryor dropped back to pass Sunday, spied Juron Criner over the middle and threw a pass with just enough arc to get over the outstretched arms of linebacker Keenan Clayton and hit the intended target for a first down.

In the vernacular of the Raiders' quarterback room, it was a perfect "two-pitch."

"A one-pitch is a fast one, a two-pitch is a little of that but over the top, and a three-pitch is like a loft," Pryor said. "That was definitely a good pass for me."

Evidence gathered from the Raiders' first padded practice indicates that Pryor, who is entering his third season, is becoming more than simply a one-pitch pitcher.

While Matt Flynn remains the favorite to start, it is clear that countless throws by Pryor since the end of last season in his quest to become an NFL-caliber passer has made a difference.

"He's worked extremely hard at it, and any time you get a talented player that works extremely hard, he's going to get better," coach Dennis Allen said. "We're doing some things with him to try and take advantage of his talents. He's responding to that."



Pryor throwing well, but not necessarily closing gap on Flynn

The Raiders? Terrelle Pryor completed some pretty deep passes over receivers? shoulders during Saturday?s training camp practice and then showed Sunday that he also made progress throwing short- and medium-range passes.

Pryor has worked hard on his footwork and throwing mechanics, and he has looked considerably better this week than he did at offseason workouts.

?I think it has gotten better,? Raiders coach Dennis Allen said. ?I think he?s continued to get better, he?s worked extremely hard at it, and anytime you get a talented player that works extremely hard, he?s going to get better.

?The guy?s a competitor. He?s trying to do everything he can to help this team.?

But before Pryor?s many fans have a Tweet-up and raise a glass or get a tattoo, let us add that the backup quarterback is still a backup quarterback and will likely be one at the end of training camp. Pryor may have the better arm and be more athletic, but the starting quarterback?s job is Matt Flynn?s to lose, and we mean really, really lose it.

The Raiders traded for him to take Carson Palmer?s place and Flynn?s $6.5 million salary is guaranteed. Flynn is more consisten than Pryor and gets the most reps with the first-team offense. At one point on Sunday he was working with the offensive linemen on the far practice field while the other three quarterbacks were going through passing drills.

Rookie Tyler Wilson threw three interceptions in a span of four passes on Saturday. Matt McGloin is the fourth quarterback and he really struggled Sunday.

Allen admits Flynn is in the driver?s seat for the job, but doesn?t want to talk about how much of a lead he has or where the four rank.

?Listen ? I?m not ready to get into who?s creating separation and who?s creating distance,? Allen said, ?but I?ve been very impressed with Matt Flynn. I?ve been impressed with his demeanor. He?s made some nice throws, some nice reads, and really I think he?s done a nice job with the first offense.?

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Terrelle Pryor said he never knew how to throw a football before this offseason

By Frank Schwab

Oakland Raiders quarterback Terrelle Pryor has played quarterback since at least high school, probably back to Pop Warner, and through all that time he says nobody taught him how to throw a football.

With the news that Michael Vick was never taught how to properly carry a football and now Pryor's claim, it's fair to ask how many coaches at all levels are ignoring fundamentals.

Like Vick, Pryor is tremendously talented. He was famously the top football recruit in the nation coming out of high school, and one of the best basketball recruits too. He went to Ohio State, whose fans probably aren't too surprised to learn that Pryor never knew how to properly throw a football.

He told the Bay Area News Group that he worked with former major-league pitcher Tom House (he's a throwing guru who has worked with Tom Brady) on fundamentals, and is working with offensive coordinator Greg Olson John DeFilippo to continue to learn to be a passer.

"I never really knew how to throw a football before," Pryor said, according to Bay Area News Group. "It's coming along. I'm getting way better. I probably missed four or five throws out of 80, 85 throws today. I might ice my arm as a precaution tonight, but it feels great.

"They've got me going in the right direction to be a pretty good quarterback who knows how to throw the ball."

Yeah, that's kind of a prerequisite for the job.

It's remarkable Pryor made the NFL despite his claim that he was never taught proper throwing fundamentals. It says a lot about his natural talent. He has always been known as a tremendous athlete, but never seemed to reach his full potential with Ohio State and was far too raw to get a legitimate shot in Oakland last season. Now we have an idea why.

Pryor is the darkhorse in the quarterback race at Oakland. Now that he finally knows how to throw a football, that might help him in the competition.
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A ?competition? at No. 3 QB, while Pryor improving daily at No. 2

While some thought fourth-round pick Tyler Wilson might give Terrelle Pryor a run for his money for the Raiders? backup quarterback job, the rookie is having a hard time holding off Matt McGloin for the No. 3 spot.
After a week in camp, the undrafted free agent out of Penn State has started taking snaps away from Wilson in practice.
?It?s a great competition,? offensive coordinator Greg Olson said. ?I am just trying to light a fire under both of them. Matt has had some great practices and we decided to shake it up and put him at No. 3.?
But there?s a long way to go.?
Pryor, meanwhile, continues to improve his accuracy in his third year and has made a lot of big plays in camp, including a long strike to rookie Brice Butler on Saturday.
?I feel phenomenal,? Pryor said.
Pryor still often waits for receivers to come out of their cut before throwing the ball. He also sometimes waits too long to take off out of the pocket. It?s almost like he wants to prove so bad that he can be a traditional passer that?s he?s not taking advantage of his chances to run.
?We always tell him don?t look at that as a fault,? Olson said. ? ?You?ve got something that no other quarterbacks have. Certainly, we want you to become more polished as a passer. But don?t look at your ability to run the ball as a bad thing, that?s a really good thing. You can?t be hesitant.? ?
Last year?s starter, Carson Palmer, taught Pryor a lot but Olson said Pryor has to utilize his own strengths.
Palmer stands ?back there in the pocket and stay there as long as he can, as long as he can, as long as he can, and goes through his progressions,? Olson said. ?Terrelle it?s more of ?you may get 1,2,3 and if there is a seam at all that opens up in that pocket, put your foot in the ground and go run.?
?Other guys may be more accurate but they don?t have the feet that Terrelle does.?
Last year?s offensive coordinator, Greg Knapp, didn?t use Pryor in the red zone but Olson will, as he has a few other tricks up his sleeve for opposing defenses.
?Terrelle will create problems athletically so we spend a lot of time, like a lot of teams, studying the read option and he is going to create some problems that way.?


QB Terrelle Pryor Talks Training Camp


Raiders QB Terrelle Pryor spoke to the media after Saturday's practice as Training Camp 2013, presented by California National Guard, continues.

Q: How much different are you than the guy who came here a year ago?

QB Terrelle Pryor: Just more ready, more confident, more of a verbal and physical leader. I just feel a little bit different in terms of leadership. Getting in and out of the huddle, taking command, understanding protections, understanding the offense, then grasping that and putting it all together and trying to become the best I can be. Like what I?ve been telling you guys the past two years, every day I?m trying to get better. I?m going to find a way and I?m going to get better.

Q: You remember at the end of last year when you talked about there were certain passes, the touch passes, that you?ve never had to throw before. How much work did you do on your own, away from the Raiders football-wise?

Pryor: Just a lot. Staying loaded. The problem I had, that I can recall, in San Diego was that I didn?t stay loaded on my back foot. People were at my feet, so I did a lot of drills with a quarterback coach standing there with a broom stick and I?d push into the pass and I?d have him hit me. And just help him stay in the rhythm of hitting the defensive lineman?s foot or offensive lineman?s foot. You can?t really simulate a game but you do the best you can to simulate it.

Q: Have they still encouraged you to be the Terrelle Pryor that?s ?get out and run? guy when things break down?

Pryor: Absolutely, you can?t really change your God-given ability. What?s very disruptive and what scares defenses is that you can run. Along with that is you can stay in the pocket and throw the ball. We?re always scrambling around, you can set your feet and balance and deliver the ball. Also when you take the 1-2 progression away, just go up and get five or six yards and maybe 10, and slide, get down and whatever moves the chains.

Q: Do you feel like you?re more confident in the timing when you want to take off and run and making all the right reads, and then when you know the exact right time to get out of there, are you feeling more confident?

Pryor: It?s definitely a decision thing. You have to be decisive, I guess one, two or three with the progressions. I can?t really play it out because when you?re dropping back and you got one or two, you may only get to two and maybe the line starts collapsing and you see a hole and you just go instead of taking a negative play.

Q: You look at what happened to Colin [Kaepernick] and Russell Wilson up in Seattle, do you think that that validated the type of quarterback that you are, that can be successful in this league?


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I have such mixed feelings about this guy. One of the top three or four most exciting players to don the Buckeye uniform, created many memorable moments, but also seemed to me to be all about himself first and foremost. His blatant disregard for NCAA rules cost the university and the program a great deal.

I have a hard time investing any interest in him, especially since he plays for Oakland.
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cincibuck;2359733; said:
I have such mixed feelings about this guy. One of the top three or four most exciting players to don the Buckeye uniform, created many memorable moments, but also seemed to me to be all about himself first and foremost. His blatant disregard for NCAA rules cost the university and the program a great deal.

I have a hard time investing any interest in him, especially since he plays for Oakland.

Blatant disregard? :lol: He was a freshman/sophomore when he sold some shit he owned. Jim Tressel's blatant disregard for NCAA rules is what cost the University and the program a great deal. Had JT done his job, TP would've sat out four or five games and a shitload of Buckeye fans would have to go back to bitching about MoC.
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BUCKYLE;2359772; said:
Blatant disregard? :lol: He was a freshman/sophomore when he sold some shit he owned. Jim Tressel's blatant disregard for NCAA rules is what cost the University and the program a great deal. Had JT done his job, TP would've sat out four or five games and a shitload of Buckeye fans would have to go back to bitching about MoC.

TP was pretty blatant about it. TP's actions don't fall on JT, JT's actions fell on JT (and subsequently everyone else).

After all, as things were blowing up, TP was driving around in a brand new car. Not exactly the smartest or most situationally-aware thing to do....
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Dryden;2359779; said:
You mean the three year old Nissan 350z with 60,000+ miles? Pryor did not have a "brand new car" while at Ohio St.

Which he had just purchased somehow....as I remember it was shown without real plates on even on the news....as I said, he wasn't the most situation-aware person in the world.
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