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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

He was foolish to try and hit a linebacker like that. I didn't see the hit and would have enjoyed it at first, but this just makes it more likely that defensive players will try to hurt him. He didn't need to do it. No matter how much fun it was, he needs to control those urges. He's too important to be injured on a play like that in a game that is decided.
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Steve19;1273991; said:
He was foolish to try and hit a linebacker like that. I didn't see the hit and would have enjoyed it at first, but this just makes it more likely that defensive players will try to hurt him. He didn't need to do it. No matter how much fun it was, he needs to control those urges. He's too important to be injured on a play like that in a game that is decided.

Yeah, I'm sure the staff will have a little talk with him about that.
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Steve19;1273991; said:
He was foolish to try and hit a linebacker like that. I didn't see the hit and would have enjoyed it at first, but this just makes it more likely that defensive players will try to hurt him. He didn't need to do it. No matter how much fun it was, he needs to control those urges. He's too important to be injured on a play like that in a game that is decided.

Good luck to those defenders. It wasn't like he threw some little DB. The man trucked a linebacker. Remember when A.J. had to bring everything he had to just tackle VY? That's what's going on here.

That being said, I doubt JT lets him try that shit anymore. :lol:
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I agree with whoever said that it feels like he could score on any play. When he takes off running, I feel like I'm watching Ted Ginn. Pryor's going to have a terrific performance one of these games where he gets 150+ and 3-4 TDs rushing. I can feel it, like it's only a matter of time before it happens.
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BUCKYLE;1273995; said:
Good luck to those defenders. It wasn't like he threw some little DB. The man trucked a linebacker. Remember when A.J. had to bring everything he had to just tackle VY? That's what's going on here.

That being said, I doubt JT lets him try that [censored] anymore. :lol:

Yeah, I think you're right. It's the blindside hit by a defensive end that worries me. "Hit our guy? Let me show you a hit."
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BUCKYLE;1274023; said:
Another thing I noticed is that when he can see the rush coming, I'm screaming "RUN, RUN!!", and he's just calm as hell. He waits til the guy is two feet from him to make a move. Poise. It may have even led to him being sacked, but damn if he isn't confident.

I noticed this on one sack, it seemed like he saw the rush and didn't anticipate the closing speed well enough, and when he went to make the move, he was already wrapped up.
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Steve19;1273991; said:
He was foolish to try and hit a linebacker like that. I didn't see the hit and would have enjoyed it at first, but this just makes it more likely that defensive players will try to hurt him. He didn't need to do it. No matter how much fun it was, he needs to control those urges. He's too important to be injured on a play like that in a game that is decided.
hes 6-6, 235, if i had the chance, id hit the motherf*cking linebacker too. pryors a tough kid. but yeah, he might get hurt
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jmorbitz;1274028; said:
I noticed this on one sack, it seemed like he saw the rush and didn't anticipate the closing speed well enough, and when he went to make the move, he was already wrapped up.

Maybe that's what happened, but to me, it looked far more like he just didn't believe he was going to be tackled. I saw it three or four times. He just kept his eyes downfield and at the last moment...woop! He eluded the rush about three out of the four times I saw that, so who knows?
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Personally, I loved him lowering the boom. For all his great runs, he's tried to avoid big collisions a lot, and sometimes left himself open for more punishment. I love the message he sent with that.

He'll get out of bounds most of the time, but it's great to see him impose his will on the poor defender.
bdaythug;1274029; said:
hes 6-6, 235, if i had the chance, id hit the motherf*cking linebacker too. pryors a tough kid. but yeah, he might get hurt
fyi, you can swear freely everywhere but the recruiting forum.
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