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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

They showed the replay several times on CBS here in C"Bus and it looked Hall slipped as he was trying to celebrate with Ginn. Just a unfortunate turn of events, but I doubt it changed the game very much...
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gridfaniker;712182; said:
get back to me when they schedule something with west virginia or louisville

The problem (which you obviously don't understand) is that we have to schedule the out-of-conference big shots years in advance. Your suggestion to schedule WVa or UL might not be for 5 or 6 seasons. The risk is that those teams could easily suck by then. Our Big 10 schedule happened to suck this year, we couldn't help it.

OSU has scheduled Miami, VT, USC, Texas, etc in recent and upcoming years...you can't get much better than that as far as CONSISTENT performers go. Big East teams will tend to be flash in the pan types over the next 10 6-10 years (IMO). Will Rutgers be any good in 6 years? Who knows. Will Louisville be any good next year? Doubt it. Will WVa the season after Slaton et al are gone? Prolly not. You can't predict these things.
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Trampled Ginn felt foot snap

Celebration of kickoff return turns into a disaster for receiver and Buckeyes.

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

GLENDALE, Ariz. ? Ted Ginn Jr. had a premonition before the opening kickoff of the BCS championship, chirping to teammates that he felt he was going to go the distance with it. But he couldn't have foreseen the mishap awaiting him in the end zone.
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GB3;712425; said:
They showed the replay several times on CBS here in C"Bus and it looked Hall slipped as he was trying to celebrate with Ginn. Just a unfortunate turn of events, but I doubt it changed the game very much...

I hope you're joking b/c it was clear that we weren't the same offensive team w/o Ginn.
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buckeyeboy;713187; said:
I hope you're joking b/c it was clear that we weren't the same offensive team w/o Ginn.

The Buckeyes lost the game because they couldn't protect Troy Smith.

Had Ted Ginn been on the field all night he would have just been running wind sprints all night only to turn around and see Troy on his back just as Gonzo, Hartline, Robiskie, etc. were doing.

Florida got pressure with 4 rushers. Nobody else did that all year. Unless you are saying that Ted Ginn was going to be blocking a DE all night then the Ginn injury had no real affect on us getting our asses kicked!

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spadukins;713206; said:
The Buckeyes lost the game because they couldn't protect Troy Smith.

Had Ted Ginn been on the field all night he would have just been running wind sprints all night only to turn around and see Troy on his back just as Gonzo, Hartline, Robiskie, etc. were doing.

Florida got pressure with 4 rushers. Nobody else did that all year. Unless you are saying that Ted Ginn was going to be blocking a DE all night then the Ginn injury had no real affect on us getting our asses kicked!


It changes your the whole outlook of the offense. Florida now has to worry about Ginn going deep, and his speed on virtually any route. Without him in there, they have less to account for and tOSU's gameplan goes to shit, especially when they forget that they can run the ball.
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spadukins;713206; said:
The Buckeyes lost the game because they couldn't protect Troy Smith.

Had Ted Ginn been on the field all night he would have just been running wind sprints all night only to turn around and see Troy on his back just as Gonzo, Hartline, Robiskie, etc. were doing.


I agree, in part. But no Ginn allowed UF to shut-down Gonzalez and focus more on putting pressure on the QB (they did blitz some!). When Troy had time to through (which wasn't often-true) his primary target was gone and Gonzalez was not open...I doubt he had time to make many reads either. I think losing Ginn fed somewhat into the intense pass rush and failure of the passing game.
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gridfaniker;712133; said:
also, I hope Ohio State can get some decent competition in the future so this type of thing doesn't happen again.

Texas, USC, Miami (Fl), California, VT, Oklahoma are all on the future schedule...who else should we be playing, dipshit?

gridfaniker;712182; said:
get back to me when they schedule something with west virginia or louisville

You're just trolling now...buh bye, dipshit.
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spadukins;713206; said:
The Buckeyes lost the game because they couldn't protect Troy Smith.

Had Ted Ginn been on the field all night he would have just been running wind sprints all night only to turn around and see Troy on his back just as Gonzo, Hartline, Robiskie, etc. were doing.

Florida got pressure with 4 rushers. Nobody else did that all year. Unless you are saying that Ted Ginn was going to be blocking a DE all night then the Ginn injury had no real affect on us getting our asses kicked!

It's not that simple. Troy had time on alot of his sacks and pressures. Either the receivers weren't getting open, or Troy wasn't finding them. Either way having a safety net, and a coverage hog like Ted Ginn would've made a world of difference.
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