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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

buckeyeboy;712064; said:
Pittman and Gonzo are also likely gone.

pittman should stay. faced with a better-than-average defense, he showed that he has a lot of work to do. and let's face it, USC proved that Michigan's D is just that: average. same can be said for Texas. he's a fifth-rounder at best, this year, but could slide into the third or fourth next year. Gonzalez is a dime-a-dozen third or fourth receiver in the NFL. he should stay too.

FWIMFW: as an NFL QB, Troy Smith = Akili Smith. he'd probably be better suited as a wideout, like Randle-el.

also, I hope Ohio State can get some decent competition in the future so this type of thing doesn't happen again. It's so easy to play through the mediocre Big 10 schedule and get this false sense of security. then you go up against the big boys and -- BLAMMO! -- you get punched in the mouth. I wish we were in the Big East.

GO BUCKEYES!! bammer-jammer, blue pajamas, bamma-lamma, ball-peen hamma!!!!!

:osu: :oh: :io: :gobucks4: :lift: :paranoid: :cool: :sad:
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gridfaniker;712133; said:
pittman should stay. faced with a better-than-average defense, he showed that he has a lot of work to do. and let's face it, USC proved that Michigan's D is just that: average. same can be said for Texas. he's a fifth-rounder at best, this year, but could slide into the third or fourth next year. Gonzalez is a dime-a-dozen third or fourth receiver in the NFL. he should stay too.

FWIMFW: as an NFL QB, Troy Smith = Akili Smith. he'd probably be better suited as a wideout, like Randle-el.

This is a game where you cannot blame the skill position players. The offensive line was abused and the playcalling was bad.
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gridfaniker;712133; said:
also, I hope Ohio State can get some decent competition in the future so this type of thing doesn't happen again. It's so easy to play through the mediocre Big 10 schedule and get this false sense of security. then you go up against the big boys and -- BLAMMO! -- you get punched in the mouth. I wish we were in the Big East.

Isn't that what they are trying to be scheduling home-and-home's (home-and-away, dammit!) with teams like Texas, USC, Miami, and VaTech?
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gridfaniker;712133; said:
pittman should stay. faced with a better-than-average defense, he showed that he has a lot of work to do. and let's face it, USC proved that Michigan's D is just that: average. same can be said for Texas. he's a fifth-rounder at best, this year, but could slide into the third or fourth next year. Gonzalez is a dime-a-dozen third or fourth receiver in the NFL. he should stay too.

FWIMFW: as an NFL QB, Troy Smith = Akili Smith. he'd probably be better suited as a wideout, like Randle-el.

Smith is no where near as fast as Randle-el.

Pittman actually played well against this "better-than-average" defense. He averaged 6 yds a rush. By your rationale, he should go (I don't actually think he should).
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hey GRIDFANIKER, you don't even know what you are talking about. one game does not make or break a mans career. to compare him to akili smith is just asinine. you don't know what being a buckeye is all about, you stick with them, you don't turn your back on them after one game. you have no passion or heart, you were probably one of those guys who loved and cheered for troy when he won the heisman and now you turn your back on him after one game and say he is better off being a receiver in the nfl. your not a buckeye, your a disgrace, to buckeye nation and to this website community.
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Sadly the game couldn't have gone much better for Ted. He returned the opening KO for a TD, got hurt, and the offense stunk without him. As long as he is back to 100% for pro day/combine his draft stock is as high as ever.
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jwinslow;712263; said:

yea this is not the way i want troy and teddy and the rest of the players that are/might be leaving to end their tenure at ohio state which is why i would love to see teddy to stay so he could end it on a better note but at the same time you could always say he has a bright future in the NFL with money and his last play as a buckeye was one of his most spectacular on the biggest stage but the loss really overshadows everything. i think the pic says a lot but you gotta love the passion to fight on.
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