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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

First off yes, teams will EVENTUALLY have to punt to him or Holmes. And when they do, it's just a matter of time. Even though teams now know about him, he is one of those gifted athletes that doesn't just have a fluke of a freshman year. He did what he did because that's why he was put on this planet. He was made to run.

In addition Ginn isn't getting as big as you think. I've seen him around campus and he is still very small. Fast no doubt but small. Like you guys said before with his background in track he knows where to draw the line. And even if he doesn't, the good thing about his body type is, his metabolism is soo high, it takes a lot of work to put on minimal weight. He may appear bigger but he really won't weigh much more. Also as long as you don't put on too much weight too fast you won't lose any speed either. He could get up to 200 but as long as he does it naturally his body will adjust and he won't get slow. I think what happened to Lydell was, he got a little to big on the protein shakes and high carb intake. I'm sure the speed and strength coaches have Ginn on the perfect balance of speed and strength training. He won't lose any speed and everyone will be happy.
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If perchance Ginn was able to get up over 200lbs and keep his top-speed, there's no way his elusiveness will be able to remain at such a high level. That factor is equally important as his speed is. I really can't see him getting much further past 180 in his college career.
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ohiostate=life said:
First off yes, teams will EVENTUALLY have to punt to him or Holmes. And when they do, it's just a matter of time. Even though teams now know about him, he is one of those gifted athletes that doesn't just have a fluke of a freshman year. He did what he did because that's why he was put on this planet. He was made to run.

In addition Ginn isn't getting as big as you think. I've seen him around campus and he is still very small. Fast no doubt but small. Like you guys said before with his background in track he knows where to draw the line. And even if he doesn't, the good thing about his body type is, his metabolism is soo high, it takes a lot of work to put on minimal weight. He may appear bigger but he really won't weigh much more. Also as long as you don't put on too much weight too fast you won't lose any speed either. He could get up to 200 but as long as he does it naturally his body will adjust and he won't get slow. I think what happened to Lydell was, he got a little to big on the protein shakes and high carb intake. I'm sure the speed and strength coaches have Ginn on the perfect balance of speed and strength training. He won't lose any speed and everyone will be happy.
I think you're right about his weight, he's only 19 (20 maybe) and he is probably going to gain some more weight. I don't see him hitting 200 until he gets in the league, and maybe even a couple years into his pro career. He's pretty slim now, but by the time he's 23 or so, he should fill out more.
Enough of that silly talk about men's bodies...I think between Ginn and Holmes we have 5-6 TD returns next year. Every year in college and NFL there is a guy (or a couple guys) that everyone says "you don't kick to this guy" and teams invariably kick to them anyway....it's unavoidable unless you're willing to sacrifice field position every time....also, punters will mis-hit a kick and accidentally kick to him a few times.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
The thing I find hilarious is that people can doubt our S&C coaches despite tressel's guys dominating the all-time OSU record charts
Well of course they're going to dominate the charts, that's because Tressel has all the results rigged so that it appears his players are better, faster, stronger etc.....Ok that was bullshit but seriously, they did let fLydell put on too much weight and he lost a step. Have they learned from their mistake?
(if they even made one- he could have put on weight over summer in Florida for all I know...I'm just talking out my ass)

I think TGII will score 15 touchdowns this season.
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FindlayBucks said:
Well yeah, that's because he wasn't a very good back, he was just the only player I could think of to illustrate that maybe tOSU's S&C staff isn't world cla.....hmmmm, now I get it.
one would think so but i kind of felt bad because i always saw ross as a back with great potential but never really getting the ability to utilize it. i have no clue but im guessing its the OSU system didnt mesh for him. in the aloha bowl(granted the regulations) he tore up everybody in that game. it really just makes you wonder for a while.
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I don't think Ginn's going to lose speed. I think he'll be a smarter and stronger player this year, as well as more of a leader. BUT...I don't think he's going to have the same TD/Touches ratio he had last year.

Everyone has a bullseye on this guy. That's fine with me though, because you can't really forget about Santonio Holmes. I still consider him as more of an offensive threat. If TGII is getting all the focus, who is going to cover Santonio? Unless you've got the best secondary in the country, you are going to struggle to keep both of these guys quiet. I really think the passing threat this year is going to open up a running game. I don't think tOSU has had this many offensive weapons since 1998. Then again, I don't think tOSU has had this many weapons on both sides of the ball period since 1998.
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one of the things that makes TGII so dangerous is #4. If you plan for Teddy, then Holmes will kill you, and vise versa, plus you can't single team either of them, they can both destroy most corners in the country. And we all saw what happens when we put both of them back on punts. the only way that Teddy doesn't return 4 punts for TD's next season is if he only touches the ball 3 times. teams will have to kick the ball OB for him to be stopped.
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Not to change the subject (afterall, I'm still on the subject of Ginn), but does anyone know how well Ginn can throw the ball? I think I heard he threw a little in High School, and maybe once in the Army AA game, or Big33 game, or something. It's one thing to throw against high-school kids, and another to throw in college.

I'm not asking about the likeliness of Tressel calling the play for Ginn to throw the ball (I don't see that happening), but of Ginn's ability to pass it. It's one of those things to think about during the off-season.
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