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WR Jaxon Smith-Njigba (2022 Rose Bowl MVP, Seattle Seahawks)

The aren’t just players ..they are really corporations and it’s more business decisions than competitive decisions. It sucks, but generational wealth trumps everything.
Which I don’t blame him and I have no doubt he probably hurts himself if he plays in that UGA game.

Bottom line he should’ve never played vs Toledo and that’s on our staff. Cost us a few trophy’s but oh well that’s what bad decisions get you (by our staff).

Anyways so happy to see JSN impressing!
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Which I don’t blame him and I have no doubt he probably hurts himself if he plays in that UGA game.

Bottom line he should’ve never played vs Toledo and that’s on our staff. Cost us a few trophy’s but oh well that’s what bad decisions get you (by our staff).

Anyways so happy to see JSN impressing!

Thanks for making my blood pressure rise. I still get pissed at that unforgivabley stupid decision. And then they compounded it by rushing him back again for Iowa, the worst offensive team in FBS.
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Thanks for making my blood pressure rise. I still get pissed at that unforgivabley stupid decision. And then they compounded it by rushing him back again for Iowa, the worst offensive team in FBS.
Right which we needed to score 10 points to beat for Iowa. No reason to play him in either game really.

You’d think we would’ve been ultra cautious with him but nope.
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