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WR Garrett Hummel (Walk-On)



Shelby grad chases gridiron dream at Ohio State (PHOTO)
By Jon Spencer
News Journal

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The was a Whippet reserve lineman on the roster in the mid to

late 90's...I think his first name was Andy. There was Tom Moore as a kicker in the early 80's...kicked a few extra points in the spring game. Was on the team for a couple years. Of course, in women's basketball, Jodi Roth was a starter in the 80's.
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Chlebek;808010; said:
late 90's...I think his first name was Andy. There was Tom Moore as a kicker in the early 80's...kicked a few extra points in the spring game. Was on the team for a couple years. Of course, in women's basketball, Jodi Roth was a starter in the 80's.

I graduated with Moore. I knew he walked on, but did not recall that he was able to make the team. I do remember Jodi Roth and thought about that after I responded.

Nice catches...

Moore was from Shelby...
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Shelby WR to train with Buckeyes
By Jon Spencer
T-F staff

SHELBY -- Life the last seven months for Garrett Hummel has been a blur of football practices, weight-lifting sessions and conditioning drills, but his parents have done most of the sweating.

Their anxiety gave way to relief recently when Garrett was informed by letter that he would be part of the 105-man roster when the Ohio State Buckeyes open football camp Sunday. The first practice for the defending Big Ten champion and BCS runner-up is Monday.

According to observers, Hummel always seemed to be at the head of the pack in running drills. He caught the eye of head coach Jim Tressel and speed coordinator Butch Reynolds, the former Olympic gold medalist, along with players like Chris Wells and NFL draftee Roy Hall, who thought he was an early enrollee from the 2007 recruiting class.

He spent most of the summer doing manual labor with starting quarterback candidate Antonio Henton for Columbus businessman and ex-Buckeye Charlie Simon. More recently, Hummel took a job as a personal trainer at Bally's, working alongside OSU linebacker Larry Grant.

Telegraph Forum - www.bucyrustelegraphforum.com - Bucyrus, OH
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First goal achieved
Shelby graduate Garrett Hummel will start life after football following Sugar Bowl
BY JON SPENCER ? News Journal ? December 21, 2010


Ohio State senior Garrett Hummel and his parents, Denny and Terri, enjoy Senior Day festivities before the Buckeyes' 37-7 win over Michigan. A walk on, the Shelby graduate fought off numerous injuries to remain a part of the Buckeye program and will head with his teammates to New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl against Arkansas on Jan. 4.


Shelby graduate Garrett Hummel, a walk on senior wide receiver at Ohio State, shakes hands with coach Jim Tressel during Senior Day festivities before the Buckeyes game with Michigan. The Jan. 4 Sugar Bowl against Arkansas will be Hummel?s final game as a Buckeye. (Photos Courtesy of Chris Russell/Columbus Dispatch)

SHELBY -- Even if he spends all of his free time on Bourbon Street, this trip to New Orleans should be a lot quieter than the last one for Ohio State receiver Garrett Hummel.

In 2007, when the Buckeyes played LSU for the BCS national title in the Superdome, the 2006 Shelby High grad roomed with linebacker Brian Rolle.

"I had no complaints, but he liked to talk," Hummel said, laughing. "And he was a snorer, too."

If Hummel is smart, he'll pack ear plugs when the Buckeyes return to Bayou country next week to prepare for the Jan. 4 Sugar Bowl matchup with Arkansas. The plugs will come in handy if his new roomie -- fellow wideout Grant Schwartz -- makes enough noise in his sleep to drown out the New Year's Eve reverie in the French Quarter.

What's a little snoring, though, when you've already endured repeated hardship in your quest for playing time?

Hummel overcame two broken feet, a pulled hamstring and a major knee injury in his career to play in four games this season for the 11-1 Buckeyes. It might seem like a major price to pay in exchange for the five-yard catch he made against Purdue, but the senior walk-on would do it all over again.

"I don't have any regrets," Hummel said. "If I could change anything it would be the injuries, but I don't like giving up in anything. I like to compete, whether it's with other players or competing with myself to get back on the field."


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I remember that 5 yard catch he had against Purdue as the game was winding down. There was a holding penalty or something against OSU and I was afraid he wouldn't get to keep his reception. It ended up being declined though, if I remember correctly, because it made it 4th down. I can only imagine the memories he's had over the last four years...
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