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Wisconsin -8.5 at Sparty (ov/un 47.5) Sat 8 ET, ESPN

We need a student streaker dressed up as a....oh wait.

Someone's done that already.

That guy had to have the master plan. First, he runs onto the field. Next he drops his drawers. Then, he presses the hidden button in his hat that sets off the players, which in turn distracts everybody from catching him.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ6oqdN1LG4"]UCLA vs. Arizona Fight and Fake Ref fan (streaker). Full clip. High Quality. Football. - YouTube[/ame]
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alexhortdog95;2017986; said:
That guy had to have the master plan. First, he runs onto the field. Next he drops his drawers. Then, he presses the hidden button in his hat that sets off the players, which in turn distracts everybody from catching him.


Actually, they caught him anyway.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g325BVLWm8U"]U of A v.s. UCLA Streaker 2011 ENTIRE VIDEO (ORIGINAL) - YouTube[/ame]
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Get ready to watch some of this from Bulimia.

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