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Wireless Networking Help - been to Belkin and back


Resident Science Dork
Howdy all! Just made the move from Verizon DSL to TIme Warner RR and can't seem to get the wireless networking setup correctly. The computer wired through the Belkin router works fine (posting from it now), but the two other computers (one laptop and one desktop) can connect to the router (with good to excellent signal strength), but cannot access the internet or anything internet related (aim, iTunes, etc).

Belkin's phone system hates me and they are barely any help! Any suggestions?
What I would recommend doing is to simply reset the router to factory settings. (Should be a pinhole reset somewhere that you press with a paperclip and hold for around 10 seconds). Then let it re-assign the IP's and such to your computers, should work fine. Are you familiar with networking? assigning IP addresses to the machines, etc?
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What I would recommend doing is to simply reset the router to factory settings. (Should be a pinhole reset somewhere that you press with a paperclip and hold for around 10 seconds). Then let it re-assign the IP's and such to your computers, should work fine. Are you familiar with networking? assigning IP addresses to the machines, etc?

Got it fixed. Just shook it down from the beginning like it was fresh out of the box and it worked fined. Thanks for the suggestions.
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