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Windows media player audio trouble


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult!
The audio on my windows media player went kaput on me and I can't seem to figure out why. I know it's not the sound card in my computer because I still get sound from other sources. For example when starting up and shutting down the computer I still get those series of tones from windows.

Does anyone have any clue why this would be doing this? I haven't adjusted any settings. It was working great then it just decided no to work anymore...:(
Are you using a laptop or desktop? I have had many issues with WMP with notebooks and Windows 98. Oddly enough, if you click mute, then unmute, it usually worked again. I have since upgraded my laptops to 2000 and the problem went away. Try the mute thing, it may work.
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Are you using a laptop or desktop? I have had many issues with WMP with notebooks and Windows 98. Oddly enough, if you click mute, then unmute, it usually worked again. I have since upgraded my laptops to 2000 and the problem went away. Try the mute thing, it may work.

It's on my Desktop and I'm running XP on it (if that makes a difference)
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