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Will Trade 2 Austin Tickets For 2 In Columbus


I am a major donor to the University of Texas Longhorn Foundation. I have 11 University of Texas football tickets.

I am going to the Ohio State/UT football game in Columbus this year.

I'd like to trade two tickets to the game in Austin in 2006 for two relatively equivalent tickets to the game in Columbus. The tickets I'd like to trade are on the 35 yard line at Darrell K. Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium in Austin.

Do you know any Ohio State fans that would like to make that trade with me?
Look for a guy named Bernard Rubble around here, he'll help ya...

Just messing with you.. I'd love to make the swap, but it doens't look like I'll have tickets, and if I did, there is no way in hell I wouldn't be there
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DCBuckFan said:
Look for a guy named Bernard Rubble around here, he'll help ya...

Just messing with you.. I'd love to make the swap, but it doens't look like I'll have tickets, and if I did, there is no way in hell I wouldn't be there
same here. id love to make the deal but it looks like i wont even be getting tickets of my own.
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As a life member alum I get to buy 2 tickets to one game each year. Somehow I don't think the Texas game is going to be that game... and how do you feel about nose bleeds and the view from deep beyond the end zone?

I do have some friends who didn't go into education and therefore have access to both good seats and all games. I'll pass this note on to them.
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if i had any extra texas tickets i'd do it in a minute.

unfortunately, i only have 2 tickets to texas this year, and it was difficult enough getting those.

cincibuck said:
As a life member alum I get to buy 2 tickets to one game each year. Somehow I don't think the Texas game is going to be that game... and how do you feel about nose bleeds and the view from deep beyond the end zone?

I do have some friends who didn't go into education and therefore have access to both good seats and all games. I'll pass this note on to them.

alumni D-G get texas tickets this year.
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