HTTR Forever.
I was just reading up on this. I had heard about it, but didn't know the details. Bamberger is an asshat. But I'll hold the LPGA responsible for this one. The media's job is to report the news, not make it. Nor are they to alter the sporting events they are assigned to cover. The LPGA, by allowing this jerk to come clean 24 hours after the incident occurred, and making a decision based on his tattle taling, allowed a non-participant to alter the outcome of a tournament and deprive two people of a paycheck.
They had no business allowing him to direct them in this matter and he had no business getting involved.
But if this is legal now, I'd like to propose that the Big Ten review footage of the 1950 Snow Bowl. The "touchdown" scored by scUM on the blocked punt was actually out of bounds and should have deemed a safety. We therefore win and I want the history books rewritten.
They had no business allowing him to direct them in this matter and he had no business getting involved.
But if this is legal now, I'd like to propose that the Big Ten review footage of the 1950 Snow Bowl. The "touchdown" scored by scUM on the blocked punt was actually out of bounds and should have deemed a safety. We therefore win and I want the history books rewritten.