Why I hate reality shows:
First, it's not reality. The fact it's a television show should point that out. Putting people in artificial situations and calling it "reality"? Please go away.
Second, setting people up to act like complete and utter assholes for prize money is disgusting. It reinforces everything ugly about human nature. Greed, selfishness, pettiness, etc. And to use that for entertainment is as low as it gets in the entertainment business.
Third, manufacturing celebrity annoys me to no end. One of the previous "survivors" (yeah, survive this!) was at the local county fair signing autographs a couple years ago and everyone was "Like, OMG!! She's, like, here. Like, OMG!!" Give me a break. Completely undeserving of this kind of attention. No talent other than being a complete bitch and whore. Let's all celebrate that!!
Forth, reality shows are a substitute for creativity. Hollywood ran out of originality and creativity long ago. They are brain dead and produce this kind of garbage for those who are also brain dead. Talent and creativity are not important. Big tits and being a slut and a whore has replaced talent in Hollywood.
In conclusion- Putting a million dollar carrot in front of people in an attempt to bring out ugly and despicable behavior for entertainment illustrates what kind of society we are. It exemplifies the exact opposite of what most of us want from society. Why not just have a show where we randomly track down people and see what depravity we can elicit from them for the right price? Let's see how many marriages we can break up. Let's see who's willing to betray their family. Let's see who would lie, cheat and steal for the right price. Why not? It's only entertainment. Where's the harm? Rewarding these lowlife attention whores that go on these shows with piles of money and celebrity is disgraceful. I can't wait until one of these people on a reality show gets pushed to far and violently lashes out. That's really what we're all waiting to see right? With huge dollar signs in their eyes, who is going to finally snap and give us the ultimate reality? I can't wait!!
EDIT:Wow this took a different direction while I was typing. I like pizza too.