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Why do most people want a REMATCH?! OSU has proven they can beat Michigan

I don't get it. The Bucks have already won the Big Ten--going straight through the illustrious Wolverines--I say it's time to prove it to the rest of the country--we are no fluke. A rematch would still have people saying "what if." Things like what if the Bucks had played USC--perhaps USC could have taken them or how about Florida? The only way to prove we are number one--is to beat the Pac-Ten number one or The SEC number one! Otherwise more than a few of us will be saying--"what if.":osu2:
Because A) It would be entertaining as shit to see Troy rack up 300+ more yards against scUM, and...
Things like what if the Bucks had played USC--perhaps USC could have taken them or how about Florida?
B) USC might be the best in the Pac 10, but that again is no prize, and Florida is certainley not the best in the SEC anymore... Michigan is the only team that deserves to play us, it's just a sticky situation they're in right now.
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Personally, I think the best argument is summed up in one fact.

If there is a rematch, Ohio State will have to beat Michigan TWICE to win the championship, while Meatchicken will only have to go .500 against Ohio State.

That ain't right!
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