I thought we had some Steeler fans here. (believe me, I'm not one, though)
I'm shocked nobody has mentioned the "Immaculate Reception".
One of the most unexpected was 4th and 14. We had not pass-blocked well at all the 2 previous plays and i thought miami would bring the house and Krenzel would have no chance. I was so depressed because we had out-played them for most of the game, and I hated Miami so much, and they were going to win after all, and then........yeah!
Holy Buckeye, though, was the best OSU play I can remember for the sheer drama and deciciveness of it.
Another one of my OSU faves is one where Keith Byars splits two defenders who had the angle on him, right up the middle for a long TD. i think it was earlier in the comeback game against Illinois where he scored with one shoe, but I'm not sure.
Ray Griffin's INT against scUM was pretty cool too, as it basically won The Game and kept us undefeated.