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What's your earliest childhood memory?


Lazy Slob
This is something that I think about a lot because it's one of the few memories I have of living in Ohio. It had to have been the winter of '71-72, if anyone here remembers that year it seems there was a pretty significant snowfall overnight at some time. I remember opening the back door and seeing all of this fluffy snow and thinking it must be soft, cottony and perfect to dive head first into, which I did. Imagine the shock when I buried myself in all of that snow. I can vividly remember the pain of the cold, the shock. I ran back inside, we had a wall furnace and I was practically hugging it. My mother saw me and asked me what happened and I told her, she got upset and and told my dad. My dad laughed his ass off. The only other one I have is we were in a restaurant and they had a glass case full of bees.
I can tell you the first 2 songs I ever saw on MTV at age 5. First was "Oh Sherry" by Steve Perry. Second was "Jump" by Van Halen. MTV was forbidden, so (of course) I turned it on when I was alone. Jump stands out because we had a springy 70's chair in the family room. I would climb on it and yell jump like I was DLR. After one of my jumps, DLR asks "who said that"? I thought he was talking to me. Years later I hear the song again and realize it's part of the lyrics. It was like the first zoom call for a 5 year old.
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