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What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?

1. Florida- assuming we don't beat them down in the title game, Tebow has enough hype to account for losng Leak

2. Meechigan- i don't see hart/henne leaving, so offense will be good. Branch might stay, but he's good enough to be a top 10-15 pick this year so who knows

3. LSU- good defense, another year under the belt for Russell (maybe this time he'll figure out that on the last play, when you need a touchdown, you need to throw the ball into the endzone)

4. Texas- Colt McCoy, Sweed, always great recruits and athletes to burn on both sides of the ball. should be ready to go

5. Ohio State- if we're national champs, yeah we lost Smith, Pitcock, Patterson, probably Ginn, maybe Gonzalez, but hell we lost 9 defensive starters from last year and still were preseason no.1, so the media will give us the benefit of the doubt as defending champs to start out top 5

6. USC- still not that impressed with Booty, and they'll lose a couple guys on the line (Baker, standout tackle, and someone else i'm forgetting), and also lose Jarrett and Smith, so we'll see. Defense should be better though.

People will bring up Oklahoma, but exactly what good teams have they beaten on their recent 'hot' streak? I mean, the Big 12 pretty much sucks this year, so to me yeah it's impressive winning w/o peterson/bhomar, but at the same time, they probably still have more talent than their opposition. They haven't beaten even a single top 15 team to my knowledge, so their record is deceiving.
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beatnd;683398; said:
Lou Holtz' preseason picks just released:

1) Notre Dame
2) Anyone that might come close to beating Notre Dame
3) Rudy
4) South Carolina
5) Minnesota

When you say "come close to beating" does that mean good old Lou will give a higher ranking to the teams that beat ND by 3 points than he will the teams that beat the Domers by 17 points? :)
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Brutus1;681521; said:
Car wash business not as lucrative as it once was, huh? :biggrin:

J/k Mile.

actually it was washing trucks not cars. not that crable ever showed up a single day. . . .

too bad he didn't show up and get some experience. with crable's football career going nowhere fast he could have used some skills (besides kin-easy-ology) to fall back on.
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I'll say in no particular order, we see...

LSU (if JaMarcus stays)...if not, Texas

If by a media miracle the Domers make it in ANY pre-season top 5, I'm going to slit my throat and go for the wrists on the way down.
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stxbuck;683708; said:
This list sums it up for me. The Bucks will be somewhere between 6 and 10, which is fine w/ me.
A HUGE win over USC could help scum in the pre-season polls. Even though some skilled positons are back for scUM, I can't see the pollsters loving them enough to give them a #1, #2, or #3 pre-season ranking.
scUM should lose as many as 11 starters and several of them are high draft picks. Look what the two deep on scUM's defense did against Ball State. Many of those guys will be starting next year for scUM. Those facts and the fact that LLLLLolyd's reputation of not being able to beat Jt is so well fixed into the national mindset that I just don't think they will get that high of consideration.

I'll say this:

Ohio State
Notre Dame
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Cornerback6;684023; said:
With the Domers losing something like 16-18 starters (including Miss Quinn), do you really think they'll be top 5, let alone top 10?

Yes. I certainly don't think they will deserve it. They didn't deserve it this year. Hell, some people had them winning the NC this year or at least playing in it. I said they'd lose three games.
The love affair will continue for ND and they will again have to play themselves out of the top 5
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I agree, the pressure of being #1 all season was too much to take.

Generally I agree, but this was a great year to start off #1. Had we started much lower, and in particular had we been below Michigan, we would almost certainly be looking at a rematch right now.

UM will get a lot of love for bringing Hart/Henne back, but that defense isnt going to be near as good as it was this year...

When ESPN did their look at next year's Heisman candidates neither Henne nor Hart were mentioned. Don't know if they overlooked them, assumed they would jump, or don't have any respect for them (can't be the latter since Hart was in the running this year).

I would go with:

1. USC
2. Florida
3. Texas
4. Michigan
5. Somebody else from the SEC - LSU if Russel comes back.
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Cornerback6;684023; said:
With the Domers losing something like 16-18 starters (including Miss Quinn), do you really think they'll be top 5, let alone top 10?

but the media lovefest will continue because they got that kid from cali coming in (jimmy clausen) to replace pretty boy quinn...
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