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what software do you listen to music with?

I've tried other music players, but I hate having to wait when I open a file. iTunes is a sweet program, but I don't want to wait until christmas to hear the song start playing.
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I switched (kicking and screaming) to iTunes last Christmas after my girl got me a 40Gb iPod for a present. iTunes is very slick, except for two HUGE failings:

1. Slow as all get out. The Windows version, quite frankly, blows. Slow, unresponsive, and a totally different widget set than what XP is designed around. The OS-X version of iTunes is fine, but the Windows' port is simply a mess.

2. No gapless play. There is a crossfade playback, but it doesn't work nearly as well as Winamp/XMMS and Apple apparently has no intention of ever fixing this. Same issue with the iPod itself. Apple would rather blame the MP3 format and tell you to switch to their own codec than implement the same fix everyone else did five years ago.

That said, if you're an occassional music listener and don't have a huge database of songs, iTunes is probably the way to go.
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I find it necessary to use several programs to get things done.

Winamp for playback. I don't like having playlists or a library. I keep my files where I can find them, so I can do with them as I please should the need arise. I want to be able to just double-click and have playback. Winamp is best for this.

MusicMatch for ripping. It sucks for everything else. The main reason I use it for ripping is because it will name the file according to the standard I prefer.

iTunes for syncing with my iPod. That's about it. It's too slow for everything else.
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