bucknola said:
Yes it is for real.
Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Foundation, Pheasants Unlimited are non profits that take donations and buy land to preserve wetlands and other wildlife habitat. They send you a magazine for being a member. They have local chapters that are very active in fundraising and political lobbying. A quick check on most will show you the dollars donated are going toward the cause, not the officers pocket.
As Blood31 found out the DU banquet can be a good time. Food, drink, auctions and friendship all for a good cause.
I am also an area advisor to The Bayou State Bowhunters Association.
While I would not consider myself a hick, I do not run into many people in the high tech world that have my hobbies. That is just fine by me.
If you are not a criminal, a tax and spend democrat or a Michigan fan I am pretty tolerant of other interests. Especially ones that are willing to put their time and money where their mouth is.
Seriously, my mother was a naturalist and I am a big fan of people that hunt for useful or naturalistic means, if that makes any sense. (An example: her and tons of naturalists tried to explain to hippies that deers couldn't be flown out of an area of overpopulation and needed to be hunted. In the end, they were flown out and, of course, all freaked out and died without adjusting.)
Anyways, the groups you described sound totally my speed. Very cool. I dig people that try to appreciate and preserve, not just abuse, their surroundings. There are far too few of them around now and the worst are the urban kids in their SUVs with their nature views without experience.
Finally - I totally appreciate bowhunting. I am not a huge hunting fan past either necessity (food, ecosystem, etc.) or acceptability (hunting doesn't hurt environment). I am however, under most any circumstances, accepting of bowhunters.
Hunting only bothers me in certain circumstances. For example: killing wolves to control the wolf populations and then killing their prey to control their population (see Alaska and Vermont).
Edit: Actually, a point interesting to me here is that MANY urban folk and talking heads don't realize that, to a large extent, hunters are often some of the most virtuous defenders of the environment, due to their experience/immersion with/in it, and their love of it. Oh well. . .
Oh, and call me stupid, but I really did think you all might have been joking about those mags. . .