OSU says:
OSU to explain rules for anyone who might be a booster
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Kathy Lynn Gray
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Nearly everyone involved with Ohio State University athletics — even those who just see a game — soon will learn how to be a proper booster.
The university has begun passing out detailed brochures about NCAA rules governing boosters to a wide variety of people: season-ticket holders, OSU Alumni Association members, those who register for a summer athletic camp, anyone who employs a student-athlete and anyone who buys a ticket to an athletic function.
"The scope is huge," athletics director Andy Geiger told the OSU Board of Trustees in a report yesterday. "It’s a very comprehensive program."
The effort comes from a committee Geiger set up to study ways to educate boosters about what they can and can’t do for OSU athletes.
The NCAA is investigating the OSU men’s football and basketball programs in part over charges of illegal benefits boosters provided to athletes. Quarterback Troy Smith had to sit out the Alamo Bowl in December because a booster gave him an undisclosed amount of cash in 2004.
Geiger said that people with extensive exposure to OSU athletics, such as those with seat licenses, will get a 20-page brochure that includes examples of illegal giving, what a booster can and can’t do for an athlete, recruiting rules and definitions of a booster and a prospect.
Individuals with less contact, such as single-ticket buyers, will get a short brochure with abbreviated information. Those also will be passed out where Buckeye merchandise is sold, he said.
Sports programs, alumni magazines and athletics Web sites will carry similar information. In addition, all car dealerships will get an annual letter as well as the longer brochure about NCAA rules, and OSU compliance officers will speak to athletic booster groups about the rules.
Two other committees set up to clamp down on student-athlete problems also announced changes.
Provost Barbara Snyder, head of the committee reorganizing advising for student-athletes, said all academic advising now will be under the Office of Academic Affairs. Currently, advisers for athletes are under a separate office.
Those advisers will operate much like other academic advisers at the university. Current athletic advisers will be allowed to apply for those jobs, Snyder said.
OSU attorney Chris Culley said the committee reviewing OSU’s compliance program is suggesting increased monitoring and investigation of athletics; tying compliance into coaches’ contracts; continuing evaluations of compliance by the OSU legal department; and an evaluation of enforcement options for boosters who break NCAA rules.
[email protected]
Are you a booster ?
Ohio State considers you an athletic booster if you:
• Have ever been a member of a booster organization that supports Ohio State athletics.
• Have made any financial contributions to any area of Ohio State.
• Have made any annual or lifetime membership commitment to a booster organization.
• Have ever been involved with the recruitment of a prospect.
• Have provided benefits to enrolled student-athletes or their relatives or friends.
• Have otherwise been involved in promoting Ohio State’s athletic program.
• Provide or have helped to arrange employment for student-athletes.
• Are the parent or legal guardian of an enrolled student-athlete.
• Have ever been a season-ticket holder. Source: Ohio State University Athletic Compliance Office brochure
OSU to explain rules for anyone who might be a booster
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Kathy Lynn Gray
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Nearly everyone involved with Ohio State University athletics — even those who just see a game — soon will learn how to be a proper booster.
The university has begun passing out detailed brochures about NCAA rules governing boosters to a wide variety of people: season-ticket holders, OSU Alumni Association members, those who register for a summer athletic camp, anyone who employs a student-athlete and anyone who buys a ticket to an athletic function.
"The scope is huge," athletics director Andy Geiger told the OSU Board of Trustees in a report yesterday. "It’s a very comprehensive program."
The effort comes from a committee Geiger set up to study ways to educate boosters about what they can and can’t do for OSU athletes.
The NCAA is investigating the OSU men’s football and basketball programs in part over charges of illegal benefits boosters provided to athletes. Quarterback Troy Smith had to sit out the Alamo Bowl in December because a booster gave him an undisclosed amount of cash in 2004.
Geiger said that people with extensive exposure to OSU athletics, such as those with seat licenses, will get a 20-page brochure that includes examples of illegal giving, what a booster can and can’t do for an athlete, recruiting rules and definitions of a booster and a prospect.
Individuals with less contact, such as single-ticket buyers, will get a short brochure with abbreviated information. Those also will be passed out where Buckeye merchandise is sold, he said.
Sports programs, alumni magazines and athletics Web sites will carry similar information. In addition, all car dealerships will get an annual letter as well as the longer brochure about NCAA rules, and OSU compliance officers will speak to athletic booster groups about the rules.
Two other committees set up to clamp down on student-athlete problems also announced changes.
Provost Barbara Snyder, head of the committee reorganizing advising for student-athletes, said all academic advising now will be under the Office of Academic Affairs. Currently, advisers for athletes are under a separate office.
Those advisers will operate much like other academic advisers at the university. Current athletic advisers will be allowed to apply for those jobs, Snyder said.
OSU attorney Chris Culley said the committee reviewing OSU’s compliance program is suggesting increased monitoring and investigation of athletics; tying compliance into coaches’ contracts; continuing evaluations of compliance by the OSU legal department; and an evaluation of enforcement options for boosters who break NCAA rules.
[email protected]
Are you a booster ?
Ohio State considers you an athletic booster if you:
• Have ever been a member of a booster organization that supports Ohio State athletics.
• Have made any financial contributions to any area of Ohio State.
• Have made any annual or lifetime membership commitment to a booster organization.
• Have ever been involved with the recruitment of a prospect.
• Have provided benefits to enrolled student-athletes or their relatives or friends.
• Have otherwise been involved in promoting Ohio State’s athletic program.
• Provide or have helped to arrange employment for student-athletes.
• Are the parent or legal guardian of an enrolled student-athlete.
• Have ever been a season-ticket holder. Source: Ohio State University Athletic Compliance Office brochure