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Was Jordan just as bad of a teammate as Kobe?

Maybe if Kobe had some wit, he'd be better liked.

This not witty enough?

Loya: "Is this, I don't mean to offend you in any way but is this a habit of yours, that you cheat on your wife?"
Winters: "Has this ever happened before?"
Bryant: "Um, yes, with one other person. And she could actually testify I do that um, I do the same thing, I hold her from the back, I put my hands (inaudible)."

Excerpts of Bryant transcript - Bryant sexual assault lawsuit - MSNBC.com
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Jordan was a much better teammate. He may of gotten in a teammates face or even started a fight by punching Steve Kerr, but he did it in order to bring his team together. Kobe single handedly broke up a dynasty. Can't say the same about Jordan, although if he didn't retire in the middle of his career he might of won 8 championships in a row. Then, he would no doubt be the best player ever, even though he still is now.
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