For you on this day, KSB
Traveling Space Available
We spent the day in the Ramstein terminal,
Retired military, traveling for free, when space is available.
Ten seats to Dover Air Force Base,
We count noses; it looks like at least one of us will get out,
A change appears on the screen,
“9 seats, human remains on board.”
We forget that Dover is the military’s morgue,
The tenth seat is taken by the escort, a solemn but necessary duty
All morning troops in camo lug their duffle bags,
shuffle duty-bound to planes headed East
We watch, silently wish them luck,
Turn back and share stories of the day we left, in camo, flying West
I think back to the sign, “remains on board,”
Remember that day of awakening I experienced
It’s April of 1969, a bright day at Ton So Nhut,
Honor guard in starched fatigues, at attention, colors snapping in the wind
Flag draped caskets are loaded into the belly of a 707,
I watch as they head home.