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vBook: Which Frosh will Play?


Cognoscente of Omphaloskepsis
Staff member
This is the reverse of the last book. Which of these incoming Frosh will play. Bet as many as you like and if they play during the regular season you win.

Once again you are tying your money up til after the Michigan game.
Gotta love those odds on Hartline!

It pays to watch out for these when you're vBroke. If you bet on one immediately with your free v25, you get another free v25 when the next bet is created. This is how you can dig out of the vHole.

So if you have no vMoney like me, pay attention and bet fast! :biggrin:

Keep the vBets coming, Oh8ch! But keep vGuido away.

I hate to be vGreedy, but once any of these guys play, can that portion of the bet be paid off? That way once somebody wins the bet they wouldn't have to wait until the season's over to try to lose the vCash right back.
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Is hartline hurt or something? I realize he was injured, and he probably needs to bulk up... just curious if there was a practice rumor about him getting injured, hence the 810 odds.
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BB73 said:
Gotta love those odds on Hartline!

It pays to watch out for these when you're vBroke. If you bet on one immediately with your free v25, you get another free v25 when the next bet is created. This is how you can dig out of the vHole.

So if you have no vMoney like me, pay attention and bet fast! :biggrin:

Keep the vBets coming, Oh8ch! But keep vGuido away.

I hate to be vGreedy, but once any of these guys play, can that portion of the bet be paid off? That way once somebody wins the bet they wouldn't have to wait until the season's over to try to lose the vCash right back.
Thanks....now everybody knows the secret.
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FCollinsBuckeye said:
I'm guessing it's the fact that he's waaaaay deep on the depth chart....

Still, if he sees the field, 810/1 is gonna go a long way towards digging me out of my vhole. :wink:
Where do we start the Hartline for gunner campaign? If he sees the field it will probably be on special teams.
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