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TV Shows You Wish Would Come Back

Sports Night was a great show and I wish Studio 60 had made it past the first season although I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the season coming up here.

Some others:
It's Like you Know (props to anyone else that remembers that show)
Mission Impossible (the one from the 80's was my favorite show for the 2 years it was on)
Star Trek (something, anything except for Enterprise)
La Femme Nikita
Dark Angel
Sealab 2021

It would be best if any old shows are brought back by the people who do Battlestar Galactica because they know how to do it right. Their version of The Bionic Woman looks pretty good for this fall.
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"Over There" the Iraq War show. Excellent writing and acting.
I guess the powers that be didn't like the story lines.

"Jericho" , another show that had excellent writing and acting.

"Joan of Arcadia" , very interesting story line, Joan sees and talks to God in his many forms. Was it too multi-denominational? Too controversial? More great writing and acting.
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exhawg;847049; said:
Sports Night was a great show and I wish Studio 60 had made it past the first season although I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the season coming up here.

Some others:
It's Like you Know (props to anyone else that remembers that show)

I enjoyed Studio 60 also, something told me that one was doomed from day one. Of course, I'm the guy who predicted Friends would get canned after about 6 episodes (guess I was wrong on that one).

It's Like You Know was Larry David's first effort past Seinfeld if I remember. Jennifer Gray as herself was interesting. I remember really enjoying the Shrug character, every time I see that actor in anything I still call him Shrug.

Another show I thought got canned way too soon was Push, Nevada. I think the "contest" portion of the show did it in, but I enjoyed the Twin Peaks feel mystery/conspiracy type plot. I think they had planned to cobble together a final episode and then just scapped it and gave away the contest on MNF. For some wierd reason (maybe subliminal messages aired during its run) my brain is still trying to tie up the loose ends from that being cut short. I doubt more than 5 other people saw it though, because it ran on ABC on Thurs night.

For the Arrested Development fans, I really enjoyed all 6 or 8 episodes of Sons and Daughters. I was uberpissed when the cancelled it so fast. Besides, how can you go wrong with a show set in Hamilton, OH?

Can't believe they killed the old man on Jericho and then just canned it. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I'll be wondering what happened 5 years later.
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MuckFich06;847084; said:
It's Like You Know was Larry David's first effort past Seinfeld if I remember. Jennifer Gray as herself was interesting. I remember really enjoying the Shrug character, every time I see that actor in anything I still call him Shrug.

Shrug made the show and I do the same thing every time I see him on something else. I knew that one of the Seinfeld people had something to do with it, but I didn't know it was Larry David. Too bad they didn't give it a couple seasons to get going like Seinfeld. Jennifer Gray was a lot hotter with her new nose.
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exhawg;847297; said:
Shrug made the show and I do the same thing every time I see him on something else. I knew that one of the Seinfeld people had something to do with it, but I didn't know it was Larry David. Too bad they didn't give it a couple seasons to get going like Seinfeld. Jennifer Gray was a lot hotter with her new nose.

Well, I was assuming it was Larry because I remember it being advertised as from the "creators" of Seinfeld and I knew it wasn't Jerry. It could have been somebody else though, I didn't bother to look it up. Jennifer Gray post nose job was a definite hottie.
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