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Wolverine is largest member of weasel family
I've used an accountant the past Lord knows how many years to do my taxes. This year I am probably going to take a stab at doing them myself. I'm looking at the TurboTax Deluxe package. Has anyone ever used this version before or recommend another package?
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I used TurboTax last year and found it quite pleasing. I have all kind of education and investment deductions that can make filing a real pain in the ass, but their software walked me right through it without one burst blood vessel.
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I just used TurboTax Deluxe yesterday to do my taxes. I'm married, have a house, and my wife is getting her Masters and it took me about an hour and a half.

She had 3 W-2's and I had 1.

I do mine through Yahoo and I think it costs me about $30 to use the Turbo Tax software through them.

Like I said, I didn't even use Premier, I used the Deluxe edition just one step below Premier.

I don't buy it b/c of the constant updates to the tax code every year and believe after a while you have to start paying for these updates but I may be wrong.

It's VERY easy to use and walks you righ through the process.

I highly suggest you use Turbo Tax to do it. It's not hard at all and checks your taxes for errors automatically.

Here's a link to the Yahoo Turbo Tax I used.

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I did tech support for Intuit a few years ago. TurboTax is a very simple program to use when you stick to the interview format. I usually buy the boxed program so the disk is handy for reference in later years, as you need the program for the specific year installed in order to pull up the file (2003 data won't open in TurboTax 2004). For the same reason, when you download software updates (free) and state programs (depends), be sure you burn those to CD and keep them with the program disk.

I actually switched to TaxCut a while back because Intuit stopped allowing installation on multiple computers, and I needed to install at work in order to print the file. That fiasco has passed, however, and I will probably go back to TurboTax this year. The programs are basically the same, but it's nice to get the package deal with Quicken.
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I have used the TurboTax Deluxe (boxed) version for the past 5+ years. It is very easy to use for the most part. Federal and state taxes are easy to do, the only problem I have are with my local taxes (RITA, that bitch!). The state taxes are usually free, and it's a snap to file the taxes online. Then my refund is usually deposited into my bank account within 1-2 weeks. Quicken is a slick program that you can usually get for free (after rebate). I've used it some, but should probably use it more to keep better control of our finances.
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