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Game Thread tOSU vs Northwestern at Wrigley, Nov. 16, TBA


Per the university’s release, Northwestern is continuing discussions with other Chicago-area venues that could host some 2024 games. Considering Ohio State's fanbase is among the best-traveled in college football, the Buckeyes’ game against the Wildcats on Nov. 16 is a likely candidate to be played at a larger venue.

Wildcat Report, Rivals’ Northwestern site, reported in February that Wrigley Field is a likely venue for the OSU vs. Northwestern matchup. Northwestern has not announced venues for any specific games.
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While Northwestern's new stadium is under construction, Ohio State will get a chance to play at a national landmark on Nov. 16.

Northwestern officially announced the Buckeyes and Wildcats will square off at Wrigley Field, home to the MLB's Chicago Cubs, for their regular-season matchup in 2024 on Wednesday.

It will be the fifth consecutive time the Buckeyes play Northwestern away from home, with three true road matchups against the Wildcats and two Big Ten Championship Game wins since Ohio State’s last home game against Northwestern in 2016.
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I really wanted to attend this game ... especially since my son now lives in Chicago. (excuse to visit) I found tickets initially unavailable while they searched for a venue and then mapped Ryan Field to Wrigley. Now I see them on the aftermarket sites out of reach -- prices are through the roof! I immediately inquired to Wrigley Rooftops on February 24th, and they promised to put me on the waitlist for notification while they figured out what they would do. I have not heard back from them. Looks like I may miss ..
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I really wanted to attend this game ... especially since my son now lives in Chicago. (excuse to visit) I found tickets initially unavailable while they searched for a venue and then mapped Ryan Field to Wrigley. Now I see them on the aftermarket sites out of reach -- prices are through the roof! I immediately inquired to Wrigley Rooftops on February 24th, and they promised to put me on the waitlist for notification while they figured out what they would do. I have not heard back from them. Looks like I may miss ..
From the Wrigley Rooftops manager: "
As of now we still do not have pricing and information regarding the game. When we do, I will reach out immediately.
You are still on our waitlist.
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I may be in the minority but this would be a TERRIBLE place to go and watch a football game.
You are right in the sense that Wrigley Field is not designed for football. I think they have to change the way the game is played to accommodate the field's shortcomings. It is a rare and unique and perhaps once-in-a-lifetime location. What was worse was Ryan Field in 2022 where the Buckeyes played in the blizzard wind tunnel and the poor performance and bad stats damaged CJ Stouds Heisman's hopes.
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Bought a ticket to see the only time Bucks will ever play at Wrigley. There aren’t a lot of tickets left.

Northwestern has announced tickets for the contest are now available to the general public. According to prices shown on Northwestern's online ticket office, Ticketmaster and VividSeats, the cheapest price to attend the game is $94, though most tickets are in the $300 to $400 range.

Update: In case you wondered......

The dedicated Ohio State Visiting fan sections will be in Sections 23 to 32, 132 to 134, and Sections 229 to 233.
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