Having had bilateral full knee replacements, sleeping is a bit of a problem right now. I fell asleep waiting for the start. I woke up, hey, 10-0 Buckeyes! Woo hoo. Fell asleep. I woke up, 10-14 Notre Dame. Then, I asleep again. I woke up with 4 mins left in the game and watched to the end.
I just watched the full game. I saw the Lou Holtz disgusting comments, especially the entitled comments from a priest about how Notre Dame will always get the players it needs. I think he has dementia and other issues at his age and hope we all miss out on that. I mean, WTH, he forgot to mention the unlimited number of scissors lifts there.
Marcus Freeman, thanks in no small part to his time at Ohio State, has improved Notre Dame. Ohio State is a young team that is still learning from their mistakes. Woody, just as I thought this QB would outshine Hartman, I think this team can go all the way.