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tOSU at Notre Dame, Sat. 9/23, 7:30pm EST, NBC

NFL is better for your heart though

I dono. Chubb :frown:

I was at that Iowa game.

Me too. They were talking rose bowl before storming the field, and i took pleasure in letting them know they were already mathematically eliminated from Indy.
But at least i didnt get pee balloons thrown at me. And the couple whose lawn i parked in were chill.
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Having had bilateral full knee replacements, sleeping is a bit of a problem right now. I fell asleep waiting for the start. I woke up, hey, 10-0 Buckeyes! Woo hoo. Fell asleep. I woke up, 10-14 Notre Dame. Then, I asleep again. I woke up with 4 mins left in the game and watched to the end.

I just watched the full game. I saw the Lou Holtz disgusting comments, especially the entitled comments from a priest about how Notre Dame will always get the players it needs. I think he has dementia and other issues at his age and hope we all miss out on that. I mean, WTH, he forgot to mention the unlimited number of scissors lifts there.

Marcus Freeman, thanks in no small part to his time at Ohio State, has improved Notre Dame. Ohio State is a young team that is still learning from their mistakes. Woody, just as I thought this QB would outshine Hartman, I think this team can go all the way.
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I worry about the defense with teams like this and scUM that want to out physical you. I really hope ND's OL is as great as the announcers were making them out to be because I didn't see much pressure. A team that can block like that and throw the ball is going to be hard to stop. Luckily Touchdown Jesus isn't that great of a thrower so they never had a chance to burn us deep even when he had a ton of time. Our OL is still a work in progress and McCord is learning to play at this level. We've been spoiled by QB's over the past 5+ years so I think we'll have to get used to not having a Heisman hopeful in the backfield for the time being. That being said McCord made some big plays when he needed to and led them down the field for the winning drive so props to him. I was glad to see Harrison come back into the game, but most of the time things like that are worse the next week than they are that day so I hope he gets back to 100% quickly. The next couple defenses we play shouldn't be as good so hopefully it will give the offense more time to gel.
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Pretty sure the 1st down loss was a run that was blown up so bad he kept it.

You are correct. It was the same 2 back running play that they had success with on their 2 scoring drives. But because it is a slow developing play (the QB fakes to 1st RB before handing off to the 2nd RB), JT was able to make the play before the 2nd handoff. Good recognition from JT and possibly a good coaching adjustment.
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