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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
pottsieohiou;687857; said:
I've checked my mail several times.................they just arent sending the email?????????
Also, consider re-registering and using a yahoo email account. I used yahoo to register originally, so I know that works and the yahoo accounts are free to set up.
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pottsieohiou;688345; said:
still not working..........i've tried 3 different emails and registering 3 different times............wont let me log in and doesnt send the email ???????

Used a Yahoo account and registered with Demonoid and downloaded the Michigan game no problem and am still seeding it (uploaded almost 26 GB worth so far). All we can do is steer you in the right direction, the rest you are going to have to figure out on your own. Try contact the admins at PimpTorrent or Demonoid if you are still having problems.
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I have finally successfully downloaded last years megapack, and am seeding it, however, I am having trouble burning the games to DVD. Does anyone else have this problem? I burn these with the program FastDVDCopy for the Mac, but what is weird is that the 2006 games work just fine. The 2005 games will burn to a DVD, but then will not play on my DVD player. Can anyone help me with this issue?
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Alright I've tried the DVD's on my computer and they run and play just fine. Yet, I've now tried burning the Miami(OH), Texas, Iowa, and Notre Dame games and they all still do not play on my DVD player. This years Michigan game plays on my DVD player and computer... I really don't understand what is the matter here.
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msj2487;696813; said:
I have finally successfully downloaded last years megapack, and am seeding it, however, I am having trouble burning the games to DVD. Does anyone else have this problem? I burn these with the program FastDVDCopy for the Mac, but what is weird is that the 2006 games work just fine. The 2005 games will burn to a DVD, but then will not play on my DVD player. Can anyone help me with this issue?

As already stated, older players can have problems playing some computer burned DVDs. I have an older Sharp that was well regarded when manufactured, but I've only had limited success with self made DVDs. Most players today have no such problems, including the dirt cheap ones.

I am no expert, but I would recommend trying to identify any variables between copies that play successful and ones that don't.

Are you using the same blank media for the successful burns vs. the ones that won't play?

I recently purchased some Magnavox DVD+Rs for a really good price. When I checked the quality of these discs at a couple of rating sites on-line, they were not rated highly. Despite that these discs did play in my Sharp player with no problems. I only had 3 or 4 coasters out of 100 attempted burns. As with most blank media, Magnavox is not the actual manufacturer. I used some free software to identify the manufacturer and and got the previoulsy mentioned rating. My long winded point is that there are many variables when burning and playing DVDs, including the blank media itself. Different media could be the reason for ones that won't play.

timBUCK2's software

I do believe that tB2 has used the same process to produce his DVDs for the past two seasons, so I don't think this would be a problem. I am only offering a potential variable. I do know that I have had no problems burning / playing any games from either season.

Identifying variables may help. If nothing else you might want to try to create and burn the ISO with something other than the software that you are using. I no nothing of Macs, but SourceForge is a good place to look for free software for multiple platforms.
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